Derechos de autor 2020 Investigación e Innovacion en Ingenierías

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Revisión sistemática sobre geolocalización automática para pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas
Corresponding Author(s) : Hugo Ordoñez Erazo
Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías,
Vol. 8 Núm. 1 (2020): Enero - Junio
Objetivo: identificar tecnologías computacionales que se están utilizando en la identificación y selección automática de sitios para pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas. Metodología: se realizaron búsquedas sistemáticas de artículos científicos, artículos de conferencias, revistas indexadas y libros de ingeniería, en bases de datos de referencias bibliográficas, lo que permitió una revisión exploratoria y analítica para la recopilación de información significativa sobre las tecnologías utilizadas en la ubicación automática de este tipo de proyectos. Resultados: esta revisión permitió establecer que el Big Data para el análisis de datos geoespaciales, los algoritmos de agrupamiento, las metodologías de toma de decisiones con múltiples criterios y el análisis visual de datos, están directamente involucrados en la ubicación automática de pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas. Conclusiones: en Latinoamérica se pueden encontrar algunas investigaciones alrededor de la selección automática de sitios para pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas, sin embargo, Colombia aún no ha publicado estudios de este tipo en las principales revistas científicas y bases de datos de referencias bibliográficas, asimismo, menos del 10% de los artículos examinados en esta investigación se han realizado en esta región del continente.
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- S. Bilgen, K. Kaygusuz, y A. Sari, "Renewable Energy for a Clean and Sustainable Future", Energy Sources, vol. 26, n°. 12, pp. 1119-1129, oct. 2004, DOI:
- A. O. Pereira, J. B. Soares, R. G. de Oliveira, y R. P. de Queiroz, "Energy in Brazil: Toward sustainable development?", Energy Policy, vol. 36, n.o 1, pp. 73-83, ene. 2008, DOI:
- J. L. da S. Soito y M. A. V. Freitas, "Amazon and the expansion of hydropower in Brazil: Vulnerability,2 impacts and possibilities for adaptation to global climate change, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, n.o 6, pp. 3165-3177, ago. 2011, DOI:
- T. Abbasi y S. A. Abbasi, "Small hydro and the environmental implications of its extensive utilization", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, n.o 4, pp. 2134-2143, may 2011, DOI:
- S. Mishra, S. K. Singal, y D. K. Khatod, "Optimal installation of small hydropower plant—A review", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, n.o 8, pp. 3862-3869, oct. 2011, DOI:
- K. Kaygusuz, "Hydropower and the World’s Energy Future", Energy Sources, vol. 26, n.o 3, pp. 215-224, feb. 2004, DOI:
- A. F. Castro, N. G. Arteaga, G. Llinás, y D. A. Mora, "Definición de Categorías de Ruralidad", Departamento Nacional de Planeación, 013652, sep. 2015.
- Story Map Series. [En línea]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 01-oct-2019].
- Atlas Interactivo - Climatológico - IDEAM. [En línea]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 01-oct-2019].
- A. Subramanian, "Empowering geo spatial analysis with big data platform: Natural resource management", 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2016, pp. 1–6, DOI:
- S. Eom, S. Shin, y K. Lee, "Spatiotemporal query processing for semantic data stream", Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC 2015), 2015, pp. 290–297, DOI:
- A. Saber, A. M. Al-Zoghby, y S. Elmougy, "Big-Data Aggregating, Linking, Integrating and Representing Using Semantic Web Technologies", The International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications (AMLTA2018), 2018, pp. 331–342.
- R. K. Barik, R. K. Lenka, S. M. Ali, N. Gupta, A. Satpathy, y A. Raj, "Investigation into the efficacy of geospatial big data visualization tools", 2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2017, pp. 88–93, DOI:
- R. Goncalves, M. Ivanova, F. Alvanaki, J. Maassen, K. Kyzirakos, y O. Martinez Rubi, "A Round Table for Multi-disciplinary Research on Geospatial and Climate Data", 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science, 2015, pp. 165–170, DOI:
- J.D. Fekete, J.J. van Wijk, J.T. Stasko, y C. North, "The Value of Information Visualization", Information Visualization: Human-Centered Issues and Perspectives, A. Kerren, J. T. Stasko, J.-D. Fekete, y C. North, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 1-18.
- D. Keim, G. Andrienko, J.D. Fekete, C. Görg, J. Kohlhammer, y G. Melançon, "Visual Analytics: Definition, Process, and Challenges", Information Visualization: Human-Centered Issues and Perspectives, A. Kerren, J. T. Stasko, J.-D. Fekete, y C. North, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 154-175.
- B. H. Sibolla, S. Coetzee, y T. L. Van Zyl, "A Framework for Visual Analytics of Spatio-Temporal Sensor Observations from Data Streams", ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 7, n.o 12, p. 475, Diciembre 2018, DOI:
- M. Majumder, "Comparison of Bat and Fuzzy Clusterization for Identification of Suitable Locations for a Small-Scale Hydropower Plant", Application of Nature Based Algorithm in Natural Resource Management, M. Majumder y R. N. Barman, Eds. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013, pp. 135–155.
- S. P. Adhau, R. M. Moharil, y P. G. Adhau, "K-Means clustering technique applied to availability of micro hydro power", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 8, pp. 191–201, Diciembre 2014, DOI:
- C. J. C. Blanco, Y. Secretan, y A. L. A. Mesquita, "Decision support system for micro-hydro power plants in the Amazon region under a sustainable development perspective", Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 12, n.o 3, pp. 25–33, sep. 2008, DOI:
- R. P. Singh y H. P. Nachtnebel, "Decision aid for hydropower project prioritisation in Nepal by applying Visual PROMETHEE", International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, vol. 6, n.o 4, pp. 316–342, 2016, DOI:
- A. Moiz, A. Kawasaki, T. Koike, y M. Shrestha, "A systematic decision support tool for robust hydropower site selection in poorly gauged basins", Applied Energy, vol. 224, pp. 309–321, Agosto 2018, DOI:
- C. Waisurasingha, P. Chindaprasirt, W. Sri-Amporn, y S. Chuangcham, "The utilization of geographic information systems and multi-criteria decision making with local community participation for selection of site for micro hydropower project: A case study of Chi river Basin, Thailand", 2012, vol. 2, pp. 1201–1205.
- P. Rojanamon, T. Chaisomphob, y T. Bureekul, "Application of geographical information system to site selection of small run-of-river hydropower project by considering engineering/economic/environmental criteria and social impact", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 13, n°. 9, pp. 2336–2348, Diciembre 2009, DOI:
- L. Yu y Y. Liu, "Using Linked Data in a heterogeneous Sensor Web: challenges, experiments and lessons learned", International Journal of Digital Earth, vol. 8, n°. 1, pp. 17–37, Enero 2015, DOI:
- D. A. Q. Badang, C. F. Sarip, y A. P. Tahud, "Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) for Optimal Selection of Hydropower Location in Rogongon, Iligan City", 2018 IEEE 10th International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology,Communication and Control, Environment and Management (HNICEM), 2018, pp. 1-5, DOI:
- Visualization: GeoChart | Charts, Google Developers. [En línea]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 01-oct-2019].
- R. Monk, S. Joyce, y M. Homenuke, "Rapid hydropower assessment model: Identify hydroelectric sites using geographic information systems", en Proceedings of the Small Hydro Conference 2009, 2009, pp. 28–29.
- G. Carroll, K. Reeves, R. Lee, y S. Cherry, "Evaluation of potential hydropower sites throughout the United States", en ESRI User Conference, 2004.
- B. Meza-Prieto y J. Aparicio, "Evaluation of small-scale hydropower potential in watersheds using a rainfall-runoff model", Tecnologia y Ciencias del Agua, vol. 9, n.o 1, pp. 69-87, 2018, DOI:
- D. G. Larentis, W. Collischonn, F. Olivera, y C. E. M. Tucci, "Gis-based procedures for hydropower potential spotting", Energy, vol. 35, n.o 10, pp. 4237–4243, oct. 2010, DOI:
- N. Wegner et al., "Hydro energy potential considering environmental variables and water availability in Paraná Hydrographic Basin 3", Journal of Hydrology, vol. 580, p. 124183, ene. 2020, DOI:
- Romanelli João Paulo, Silva Luiz G. M., Horta Ana, y Picoli Rogério A., "Site Selection for Hydropower Development: A GIS-Based Framework to Improve Planning in Brazil", Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 144, n°. 7, p. 04018051, jul. 2018, DOI:
- D. Connolly, S. MacLaughlin, y M. Leahy, "Development of a computer program to locate potential sites for pumped hydroelectric energy storage", Energy, vol. 35, n°. 1, pp. 375–381, Enero 2010, DOI:
- J. Félix y A. Dubas, "Use of GIS to identify potential sites for small hydroelectric plants: general concepts and exemple of application", Proceedings of the International Conference HIDROENERGIA 2010, 2010.
- Y. Bayazıt, R. Bakış, y C. Koç, "An investigation of small scale hydropower plants using the geographic information system", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 67, pp. 289–294, Enero 2017, DOI:
- G. Garegnani, S. Sacchelli, J. Balest, y P. Zambelli, "GIS-based approach for assessing the energy potential and the financial feasibility of run-off-river hydro-power in Alpine valleys", Applied Energy, vol. 216, pp. 709-723, abr. 2018, DOI:
- A. Palla, I. Gnecco, P. La Barbera, M. Ivaldi, y D. Caviglia, "An Integrated GIS Approach to Assess the Mini Hydropower Potential", Water Resour Manage, vol. 30, n°. 9, pp. 2979-2996, jul. 2016, DOI:
- A. Korkovelos et al., "A Geospatial Assessment of Small-Scale Hydropower Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa", Energies, vol. 11, n°. 11, p. 3100, nov. 2018, DOI:
- D. Bergström y C. Malmros, "Finding potential sites for small-scale hydro power in Uganda : a step to assist the rural electrification by the use of GIS : a minor field study", Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser, 2005.
- C.-S. Yi, J.H. Lee, y M.-P. Shim, "Site location analysis for small hydropower using geo-spatial information system", Renewable Energy, vol. 35, n°. 4, pp. 852–861, Abril 2010, DOI:
- S. Dudhani, A. K. Sinha, y S. S. Inamdar, "Assessment of small hydropower potential using remote sensing data for sustainable development in India", Energy Policy, vol. 34, n°. 17, pp. 3195–3205, nov. 2006, DOI:
- S. Das y P. K. Paul, "Selection of Site for Small Hydel Using GIS in the Himalayan Region of India", Journal of Spatial Hydrology, vol. 6, n°. 1, may 2006.
- B. C. Kusre, D. C. Baruah, P. K. Bordoloi, y S. C. Patra, "Assessment of hydropower potential using GIS and hydrological modeling technique in Kopili River basin in Assam (India)", Applied Energy, vol. 87, n°. 1, pp. 298–309, Enero 2010, DOI:
- D. Setiawan, "Potential Sites Screening for Mini Hydro Power Plant Development in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan: A GIS Approach", Energy Procedia, vol. 65, pp. 76–82, Enero 2015, DOI:
- B. Feizizadeh y E. M. Haslauer, "GIS-based procedures of hydropower potential for Tabriz basin, Iran", International Journal, pp. 495–502, 2012.
- A. A. Ghadimi, F. Razavi, y B. Mohammadian, "Determining optimum location and capacity for micro hydropower plants in Lorestan province in Iran", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, n°. 8, pp. 4125–4131, oct. 2011, DOI:
- B. Serpoush, M. Khanian, y A. Shamsai, "Hydropower plant site spotting using geographic information system and a MATLAB based algorithm", Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 152, pp. 7-16, may 2017, doi:
- A. Z. Zaidi y M. Khan, "Identifying high potential locations for run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plants using GIS and digital elevation models", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 89, pp. 106-116, jun. 2018, DOI:
- P. Punys, A. Dumbrauskas, A. Kvaraciejus, y G. Vyciene, "Tools for Small Hydropower Plant Resource Planning and Development: A Review of Technology and Applications", Energies, vol. 4, n°. 9, pp. 1258–1277, sep. 2011, DOI:
- S. Morales, L. Corredor, J. Paba, y L. Pacheco, "Stages in the development of a small hydropower project: Context and implementation basic criteria", DYNA, vol. 81, n°. 184, p. 178, abr. 2014, DOI: 10.15446/dyna.v81n184.39757.
- Documentos CONPES. [En línea]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 03-dic-2019].
- J. A. Calderón Velasco, G. A. Amarillo Cárdenas, L. A. Silva Bahamon, y C. G. Donoso Albarracín, «Biometría dactilar: una nueva alternativa de controlar efectivamente la asistencia a clases», Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías, vol. 6, n.º 1, pp. 27 - 39, 2017. DOI:
S. Bilgen, K. Kaygusuz, y A. Sari, "Renewable Energy for a Clean and Sustainable Future", Energy Sources, vol. 26, n°. 12, pp. 1119-1129, oct. 2004, DOI:
A. O. Pereira, J. B. Soares, R. G. de Oliveira, y R. P. de Queiroz, "Energy in Brazil: Toward sustainable development?", Energy Policy, vol. 36, n.o 1, pp. 73-83, ene. 2008, DOI:
J. L. da S. Soito y M. A. V. Freitas, "Amazon and the expansion of hydropower in Brazil: Vulnerability,2 impacts and possibilities for adaptation to global climate change, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, n.o 6, pp. 3165-3177, ago. 2011, DOI:
T. Abbasi y S. A. Abbasi, "Small hydro and the environmental implications of its extensive utilization", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, n.o 4, pp. 2134-2143, may 2011, DOI:
S. Mishra, S. K. Singal, y D. K. Khatod, "Optimal installation of small hydropower plant—A review", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, n.o 8, pp. 3862-3869, oct. 2011, DOI:
K. Kaygusuz, "Hydropower and the World’s Energy Future", Energy Sources, vol. 26, n.o 3, pp. 215-224, feb. 2004, DOI:
A. F. Castro, N. G. Arteaga, G. Llinás, y D. A. Mora, "Definición de Categorías de Ruralidad", Departamento Nacional de Planeación, 013652, sep. 2015.
Story Map Series. [En línea]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 01-oct-2019].
Atlas Interactivo - Climatológico - IDEAM. [En línea]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 01-oct-2019].
A. Subramanian, "Empowering geo spatial analysis with big data platform: Natural resource management", 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2016, pp. 1–6, DOI:
S. Eom, S. Shin, y K. Lee, "Spatiotemporal query processing for semantic data stream", Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC 2015), 2015, pp. 290–297, DOI:
A. Saber, A. M. Al-Zoghby, y S. Elmougy, "Big-Data Aggregating, Linking, Integrating and Representing Using Semantic Web Technologies", The International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications (AMLTA2018), 2018, pp. 331–342.
R. K. Barik, R. K. Lenka, S. M. Ali, N. Gupta, A. Satpathy, y A. Raj, "Investigation into the efficacy of geospatial big data visualization tools", 2017 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2017, pp. 88–93, DOI:
R. Goncalves, M. Ivanova, F. Alvanaki, J. Maassen, K. Kyzirakos, y O. Martinez Rubi, "A Round Table for Multi-disciplinary Research on Geospatial and Climate Data", 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science, 2015, pp. 165–170, DOI:
J.D. Fekete, J.J. van Wijk, J.T. Stasko, y C. North, "The Value of Information Visualization", Information Visualization: Human-Centered Issues and Perspectives, A. Kerren, J. T. Stasko, J.-D. Fekete, y C. North, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 1-18.
D. Keim, G. Andrienko, J.D. Fekete, C. Görg, J. Kohlhammer, y G. Melançon, "Visual Analytics: Definition, Process, and Challenges", Information Visualization: Human-Centered Issues and Perspectives, A. Kerren, J. T. Stasko, J.-D. Fekete, y C. North, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 154-175.
B. H. Sibolla, S. Coetzee, y T. L. Van Zyl, "A Framework for Visual Analytics of Spatio-Temporal Sensor Observations from Data Streams", ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 7, n.o 12, p. 475, Diciembre 2018, DOI:
M. Majumder, "Comparison of Bat and Fuzzy Clusterization for Identification of Suitable Locations for a Small-Scale Hydropower Plant", Application of Nature Based Algorithm in Natural Resource Management, M. Majumder y R. N. Barman, Eds. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013, pp. 135–155.
S. P. Adhau, R. M. Moharil, y P. G. Adhau, "K-Means clustering technique applied to availability of micro hydro power", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 8, pp. 191–201, Diciembre 2014, DOI:
C. J. C. Blanco, Y. Secretan, y A. L. A. Mesquita, "Decision support system for micro-hydro power plants in the Amazon region under a sustainable development perspective", Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 12, n.o 3, pp. 25–33, sep. 2008, DOI:
R. P. Singh y H. P. Nachtnebel, "Decision aid for hydropower project prioritisation in Nepal by applying Visual PROMETHEE", International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, vol. 6, n.o 4, pp. 316–342, 2016, DOI:
A. Moiz, A. Kawasaki, T. Koike, y M. Shrestha, "A systematic decision support tool for robust hydropower site selection in poorly gauged basins", Applied Energy, vol. 224, pp. 309–321, Agosto 2018, DOI:
C. Waisurasingha, P. Chindaprasirt, W. Sri-Amporn, y S. Chuangcham, "The utilization of geographic information systems and multi-criteria decision making with local community participation for selection of site for micro hydropower project: A case study of Chi river Basin, Thailand", 2012, vol. 2, pp. 1201–1205.
P. Rojanamon, T. Chaisomphob, y T. Bureekul, "Application of geographical information system to site selection of small run-of-river hydropower project by considering engineering/economic/environmental criteria and social impact", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 13, n°. 9, pp. 2336–2348, Diciembre 2009, DOI:
L. Yu y Y. Liu, "Using Linked Data in a heterogeneous Sensor Web: challenges, experiments and lessons learned", International Journal of Digital Earth, vol. 8, n°. 1, pp. 17–37, Enero 2015, DOI:
D. A. Q. Badang, C. F. Sarip, y A. P. Tahud, "Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) for Optimal Selection of Hydropower Location in Rogongon, Iligan City", 2018 IEEE 10th International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology,Communication and Control, Environment and Management (HNICEM), 2018, pp. 1-5, DOI:
Visualization: GeoChart | Charts, Google Developers. [En línea]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 01-oct-2019].
R. Monk, S. Joyce, y M. Homenuke, "Rapid hydropower assessment model: Identify hydroelectric sites using geographic information systems", en Proceedings of the Small Hydro Conference 2009, 2009, pp. 28–29.
G. Carroll, K. Reeves, R. Lee, y S. Cherry, "Evaluation of potential hydropower sites throughout the United States", en ESRI User Conference, 2004.
B. Meza-Prieto y J. Aparicio, "Evaluation of small-scale hydropower potential in watersheds using a rainfall-runoff model", Tecnologia y Ciencias del Agua, vol. 9, n.o 1, pp. 69-87, 2018, DOI:
D. G. Larentis, W. Collischonn, F. Olivera, y C. E. M. Tucci, "Gis-based procedures for hydropower potential spotting", Energy, vol. 35, n.o 10, pp. 4237–4243, oct. 2010, DOI:
N. Wegner et al., "Hydro energy potential considering environmental variables and water availability in Paraná Hydrographic Basin 3", Journal of Hydrology, vol. 580, p. 124183, ene. 2020, DOI:
Romanelli João Paulo, Silva Luiz G. M., Horta Ana, y Picoli Rogério A., "Site Selection for Hydropower Development: A GIS-Based Framework to Improve Planning in Brazil", Journal of Environmental Engineering, vol. 144, n°. 7, p. 04018051, jul. 2018, DOI:
D. Connolly, S. MacLaughlin, y M. Leahy, "Development of a computer program to locate potential sites for pumped hydroelectric energy storage", Energy, vol. 35, n°. 1, pp. 375–381, Enero 2010, DOI:
J. Félix y A. Dubas, "Use of GIS to identify potential sites for small hydroelectric plants: general concepts and exemple of application", Proceedings of the International Conference HIDROENERGIA 2010, 2010.
Y. Bayazıt, R. Bakış, y C. Koç, "An investigation of small scale hydropower plants using the geographic information system", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 67, pp. 289–294, Enero 2017, DOI:
G. Garegnani, S. Sacchelli, J. Balest, y P. Zambelli, "GIS-based approach for assessing the energy potential and the financial feasibility of run-off-river hydro-power in Alpine valleys", Applied Energy, vol. 216, pp. 709-723, abr. 2018, DOI:
A. Palla, I. Gnecco, P. La Barbera, M. Ivaldi, y D. Caviglia, "An Integrated GIS Approach to Assess the Mini Hydropower Potential", Water Resour Manage, vol. 30, n°. 9, pp. 2979-2996, jul. 2016, DOI:
A. Korkovelos et al., "A Geospatial Assessment of Small-Scale Hydropower Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa", Energies, vol. 11, n°. 11, p. 3100, nov. 2018, DOI:
D. Bergström y C. Malmros, "Finding potential sites for small-scale hydro power in Uganda : a step to assist the rural electrification by the use of GIS : a minor field study", Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution - Seminarieuppsatser, 2005.
C.-S. Yi, J.H. Lee, y M.-P. Shim, "Site location analysis for small hydropower using geo-spatial information system", Renewable Energy, vol. 35, n°. 4, pp. 852–861, Abril 2010, DOI:
S. Dudhani, A. K. Sinha, y S. S. Inamdar, "Assessment of small hydropower potential using remote sensing data for sustainable development in India", Energy Policy, vol. 34, n°. 17, pp. 3195–3205, nov. 2006, DOI:
S. Das y P. K. Paul, "Selection of Site for Small Hydel Using GIS in the Himalayan Region of India", Journal of Spatial Hydrology, vol. 6, n°. 1, may 2006.
B. C. Kusre, D. C. Baruah, P. K. Bordoloi, y S. C. Patra, "Assessment of hydropower potential using GIS and hydrological modeling technique in Kopili River basin in Assam (India)", Applied Energy, vol. 87, n°. 1, pp. 298–309, Enero 2010, DOI:
D. Setiawan, "Potential Sites Screening for Mini Hydro Power Plant Development in Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan: A GIS Approach", Energy Procedia, vol. 65, pp. 76–82, Enero 2015, DOI:
B. Feizizadeh y E. M. Haslauer, "GIS-based procedures of hydropower potential for Tabriz basin, Iran", International Journal, pp. 495–502, 2012.
A. A. Ghadimi, F. Razavi, y B. Mohammadian, "Determining optimum location and capacity for micro hydropower plants in Lorestan province in Iran", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, n°. 8, pp. 4125–4131, oct. 2011, DOI:
B. Serpoush, M. Khanian, y A. Shamsai, "Hydropower plant site spotting using geographic information system and a MATLAB based algorithm", Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 152, pp. 7-16, may 2017, doi:
A. Z. Zaidi y M. Khan, "Identifying high potential locations for run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plants using GIS and digital elevation models", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 89, pp. 106-116, jun. 2018, DOI:
P. Punys, A. Dumbrauskas, A. Kvaraciejus, y G. Vyciene, "Tools for Small Hydropower Plant Resource Planning and Development: A Review of Technology and Applications", Energies, vol. 4, n°. 9, pp. 1258–1277, sep. 2011, DOI:
S. Morales, L. Corredor, J. Paba, y L. Pacheco, "Stages in the development of a small hydropower project: Context and implementation basic criteria", DYNA, vol. 81, n°. 184, p. 178, abr. 2014, DOI: 10.15446/dyna.v81n184.39757.
Documentos CONPES. [En línea]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 03-dic-2019].
J. A. Calderón Velasco, G. A. Amarillo Cárdenas, L. A. Silva Bahamon, y C. G. Donoso Albarracín, «Biometría dactilar: una nueva alternativa de controlar efectivamente la asistencia a clases», Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías, vol. 6, n.º 1, pp. 27 - 39, 2017. DOI: