Derechos de autor 2021 Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías

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Análisis no lineal de estructuras compuestas por cables
Corresponding Author(s) : Daniel Ricardo Salinas Guayacundo
Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías,
Vol. 9 Núm. 2 (2021): Julio - Diciembre
Objetivo: presentar una metodología basada en el Método de Densidad de Fuerza (MDF) para realizar el análisis no-lineal de estructuras tridimensionales conformadas por cables sometidas a cargas estáticas, e implementada en el software Mathcad. Dicha metodología no debe presentar problemas en la obtención de la solución numérica y por tanto debe obtener una convergencia numérica eficiente y estable. Metodología: primero se presenta el marco teórico referente a las estructuras conformadas por cables y al método de análisis basado en el MDF. Seguidamente, el código programado en Mathcad es creado para realizar el análisis no-lineal de estructuras compuestas por cables. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos por las rutinas son validados a través de su comparación con los resultados presentados en el artículo de investigación tomado como referencia y los resultados provistos por un software de estructuras conformadas por cables. Resultados: se demostró que el código creado provee resultados adecuados y confiables del análisis no-lineal de estructuras compuestas por cables sometidos a cargas estáticas. Conclusiones: el código implementado en Mathcad provee resultados consistentes con los hallados en el artículo tomado como referencia. En los ejemplos analizados en este artículo de investigación no se encontraron problemas numéricos que pudieran generar inestabilidad. El código desarrollado provee una forma sencilla de visualizar las consideraciones, procedimientos y resultados obtenidos en el proceso de realizar análisis que involucre no-linealidad geométrica de estructuras compuestas por cables.
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- M. Crusells-Girona, F.C. Filippou, and R.L. Taylor, “A mixed formulation for nonlinear analysis of cable structures”, Computers and Structures, 18650-61, 2017.
- X. Feng, S. Guo, “Geometrical nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis of tensegrity systems via the co-rotational method”, Mech Res Commun, Vol., 79, pp. 32-42, 2017.
- R. Liu, H. Guo, R. Liu, D. Tang, H. Wang, and Z. Deng, “Design and form finding of cable net for a large cable–rib tension antenna with flexible deployable structures”, Eng Struct, 199, p. 109662, 2019
- X. Feng, “The optimal initial self-stress design for tensegrity grid structures”, Comput. Struct, Vol., 193, No. 21–30, 2017.
- M.A. Fernández-Ruiz, E. Hernández-Montes, J.F. Carbonell-Márquez, and L.M. Gil-Martín, “Octahedron family: the double-expanded octahedron tensegrity”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 165 (15), pp. 1-13, 2019.
- K, Linkwitz, and H. J. Schek, “Einige Bemerkungen zur Berechnung vorgespannten Seilnetzkonstruktionen”, Ingenieur Archiv, Vol. 40, pp. 145-158. 1971.
- H.J. Schek, “The force density method for form finding and computation of general network”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol., 3, pp. 115-134, 1974
- Y, Dementiev, L. Burulko, and E. Suvorkova, “Pedagogical aspects of applied software packages and computer technologies use in student’s education”, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 206(1), pp. 289-294, 2015.
- R. R. Bradshaw, “History of the Analysis of Cable Net Structures”, Structures Congress 2005, April 20-24, New York, New York, United States, 2005.
- A.A. Cuadri, J.E. Martín-Alfonso, and J. Urbano, “A teaching methodology based on Mathcad for improving the calculation of pumping power”, Education for Chemical Engineers, Vol., 28, Pages 68-78, ISSN 1749-7728, 2019
- J.Y. Zhang, and M. Ohsaki, “Adaptive force density method for form-finding problem of tensegrity structures”, International Journal of Solids and Structures (43), pp. 5658-5673, 2006.
- S. Lee, J. Lee, “A novel method for topology design of tensegrity structures”, Compos. Struct., Vol., 152, pp. 11-19, 2016
- S. Lee, B.S. Gan, and J. Lee, “A fully automatic group selection for form-finding process of truncated tetrahedral tensegrity structures via a double-loop genetic algorithm”, Compos. Part B, 106, pp. 308 315, 2016,
- D.T.T. Do, S. Lee, and J. Lee, “A modified differential evolution algorithm for tensegrity structures”, Compos. Struct., Vol., 158, pp. 11-19, 2016.
- S. Yuan, and B. Yang, “The fixed nodal position method for form finding of high-precision lightweight truss structures”, Int J Solids Struct, 161, pp. 82-95, 2019.
- Y.Q. Tang, and T.J. Li, “Equivalent-force density method as a shape-finding tool for cable-membrane structures”, Eng Struct, Vol., 151, pp. 11-19, 2017.
- M. Bruggi, “A constrained force density method for the funicular analysis and design of arches, domes and vaults”, Int J Solids Struct, 193-194, pp. 251-269, 2020.
- C. Cercadillo-García, and J.L. Fernández-Cabo, “Analytical and numerical funicular analysis by means of the parametric force density method”, J. Appl. Res. Technol., 14 (2), pp. 108-124, 2016.
- A. Liew, D. Pagonakis, T.V. Mele, and P. Block, “Load-path optimisation of funicular networks”, Meccanica, Vol., 53 (1-2), pp. 279-294, 2018.
- S. Belov, M. Pavlov, V. Ponomarev, S. Ponomarev, and A. Zhukov, “Calculation method for cable-beam shell structures”. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1772, 060006, 2016.
- P.M. Sufian, A.B. Templeman, “Analysis and design of cable net structures through optimization techniques”. Transactions on the Built Environment, Vol 2, © 1993 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
- S. Hansen, “Extended Active Learning as a Means to Learn Syntax in Programming Languages”, Proceedings of the 2008 Annual ASEE Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.
- F. Charney, “A Transformational Approach to Teaching Matrix Structural Analysis, and Visual Implementation using Mathcad”, Proceedings of the 18th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference at Structures Congress, ASCE, April 24-26, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2008.
- C.H. Thornton, and C. Birnstiel, “Three-dimensional suspension structures”. J. Structural Div. ASCE, pp 247-270, 1967.
- G.R. Monforton, and N.M, El-Hakim, “Analysis of truss-cable structures”, Comput. Struct., 11: 327-335, 1980.
- F. Charney, Nonlinear Analysis, pp. 78-118, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1996.
- A. Nuhoglu, “Nonlinear analysis of cable systems with point based iterative procedure”, Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 6(6), 2010.
- K.G. Park, and D.W. Lee, “Mechanical Characteristics of Cable Truss Roof Systems”, Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures, Vol., 6; pp.89-96, 2016.
- F. Charney, “CABNET, Cable net structures software”, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1996.
M. Crusells-Girona, F.C. Filippou, and R.L. Taylor, “A mixed formulation for nonlinear analysis of cable structures”, Computers and Structures, 18650-61, 2017.
X. Feng, S. Guo, “Geometrical nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis of tensegrity systems via the co-rotational method”, Mech Res Commun, Vol., 79, pp. 32-42, 2017.
R. Liu, H. Guo, R. Liu, D. Tang, H. Wang, and Z. Deng, “Design and form finding of cable net for a large cable–rib tension antenna with flexible deployable structures”, Eng Struct, 199, p. 109662, 2019
X. Feng, “The optimal initial self-stress design for tensegrity grid structures”, Comput. Struct, Vol., 193, No. 21–30, 2017.
M.A. Fernández-Ruiz, E. Hernández-Montes, J.F. Carbonell-Márquez, and L.M. Gil-Martín, “Octahedron family: the double-expanded octahedron tensegrity”, Int. J. Solids Struct., 165 (15), pp. 1-13, 2019.
K, Linkwitz, and H. J. Schek, “Einige Bemerkungen zur Berechnung vorgespannten Seilnetzkonstruktionen”, Ingenieur Archiv, Vol. 40, pp. 145-158. 1971.
H.J. Schek, “The force density method for form finding and computation of general network”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol., 3, pp. 115-134, 1974
Y, Dementiev, L. Burulko, and E. Suvorkova, “Pedagogical aspects of applied software packages and computer technologies use in student’s education”, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 206(1), pp. 289-294, 2015.
R. R. Bradshaw, “History of the Analysis of Cable Net Structures”, Structures Congress 2005, April 20-24, New York, New York, United States, 2005.
A.A. Cuadri, J.E. Martín-Alfonso, and J. Urbano, “A teaching methodology based on Mathcad for improving the calculation of pumping power”, Education for Chemical Engineers, Vol., 28, Pages 68-78, ISSN 1749-7728, 2019
J.Y. Zhang, and M. Ohsaki, “Adaptive force density method for form-finding problem of tensegrity structures”, International Journal of Solids and Structures (43), pp. 5658-5673, 2006.
S. Lee, J. Lee, “A novel method for topology design of tensegrity structures”, Compos. Struct., Vol., 152, pp. 11-19, 2016
S. Lee, B.S. Gan, and J. Lee, “A fully automatic group selection for form-finding process of truncated tetrahedral tensegrity structures via a double-loop genetic algorithm”, Compos. Part B, 106, pp. 308 315, 2016,
D.T.T. Do, S. Lee, and J. Lee, “A modified differential evolution algorithm for tensegrity structures”, Compos. Struct., Vol., 158, pp. 11-19, 2016.
S. Yuan, and B. Yang, “The fixed nodal position method for form finding of high-precision lightweight truss structures”, Int J Solids Struct, 161, pp. 82-95, 2019.
Y.Q. Tang, and T.J. Li, “Equivalent-force density method as a shape-finding tool for cable-membrane structures”, Eng Struct, Vol., 151, pp. 11-19, 2017.
M. Bruggi, “A constrained force density method for the funicular analysis and design of arches, domes and vaults”, Int J Solids Struct, 193-194, pp. 251-269, 2020.
C. Cercadillo-García, and J.L. Fernández-Cabo, “Analytical and numerical funicular analysis by means of the parametric force density method”, J. Appl. Res. Technol., 14 (2), pp. 108-124, 2016.
A. Liew, D. Pagonakis, T.V. Mele, and P. Block, “Load-path optimisation of funicular networks”, Meccanica, Vol., 53 (1-2), pp. 279-294, 2018.
S. Belov, M. Pavlov, V. Ponomarev, S. Ponomarev, and A. Zhukov, “Calculation method for cable-beam shell structures”. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1772, 060006, 2016.
P.M. Sufian, A.B. Templeman, “Analysis and design of cable net structures through optimization techniques”. Transactions on the Built Environment, Vol 2, © 1993 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509
S. Hansen, “Extended Active Learning as a Means to Learn Syntax in Programming Languages”, Proceedings of the 2008 Annual ASEE Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2008.
F. Charney, “A Transformational Approach to Teaching Matrix Structural Analysis, and Visual Implementation using Mathcad”, Proceedings of the 18th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference at Structures Congress, ASCE, April 24-26, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2008.
C.H. Thornton, and C. Birnstiel, “Three-dimensional suspension structures”. J. Structural Div. ASCE, pp 247-270, 1967.
G.R. Monforton, and N.M, El-Hakim, “Analysis of truss-cable structures”, Comput. Struct., 11: 327-335, 1980.
F. Charney, Nonlinear Analysis, pp. 78-118, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1996.
A. Nuhoglu, “Nonlinear analysis of cable systems with point based iterative procedure”, Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 6(6), 2010.
K.G. Park, and D.W. Lee, “Mechanical Characteristics of Cable Truss Roof Systems”, Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures, Vol., 6; pp.89-96, 2016.
F. Charney, “CABNET, Cable net structures software”, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1996.