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Petrographic characterization of the Aracataca’s batholith south-west sector of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta
Corresponding Author(s) : Dianelys Corzo Hernández
Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías,
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): July - December
Aracataca’s Batholith is a unit of felsic to intermediate composition constituted by intrusive igneous bodies of the granodiorites facies, quartz-monzonites and tonalities that appear in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Snow Mountain of Santa Marta) foothill in the South-East sector of the Municipality of Fundación, Department of Magdalena. This study is carried out in order to obtain information based on the results obtained from the performance of petrographic analysis made to samples obtained from the Aracataca’s Batholith. This study is carried out in order to obtain a detailed petrographic characterization of the mineral associations in each of the lithological variations that make up this unit. The studies presented include the description of lithological facies based on petrographic analysis, which presents mineralogical characteristics, which make possible to determine the compositional and textural character of each lithology, as well as the type of alteration (Propiliticas and Sericiticas) that affect the appearance of the crystals in the rocks. The results of these analyses indicate the variation of textural facies within the Batholith at the time of its formation, producing some effects in the mineral components of the rock, which are associated with the incidence of tectonic activity and the occurrence of hydrothermal fluids. Also describes the results of trials of diffraction of Rays X (DRX); in these analyses, it is evident that changes and alterations of the mineral are associated with magmatic events during its formation process and the domain of hydrothermal fluids.
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J. M. Royero y J. Clavijo, “Mapa geológico generalizado del departamento Magdalena escala 1:300 000", Memoria Explicativa, 2000.
Ingeominas, Evolución geo histórica de la sierra nevada de santa marta, Bogotá, 2007.
C. Tschanz, R. Marvin, J. Cruz, H. Mehnert y G. Cebula, “Geologic Evolution of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Northeastem Colombia”, Geol Soc Am. Bull, vol. 85, pp. 273-284,1974.
D. Whitney., y E. Bernard, “Abbreviations for names of rock-forming minerals”, American Mineralogist, vol. 85, pp. 185-187, 2010.
N. Cruz, J. Carrillo., y L. Mantilla, “Consideraciones petrogenéticas y geocronología de las rocas ígneas porfiríticas aflorantes en la quebrada ventanas (municipio arboledas, norte de santander, colombia): implicaciones metalogenéticas”, Boletín de Geología, vol. 36, p. 16, 2014.
J. Bonilla y J. Henao, Universidad industrial de Santander, Km. 2 Vía al Refugio Sede UIS-Guatiguará, Edificio de Investigaciones, Laboratorio de Rayos-X, Laboratorio 104, Piedecuesta, Santander, 2017.
A. Morosini, A. Ortiz y G. Ramos, Los granitoides famatinianos del sector suroccidental de la sierra de San Luis: clasificación y geotermometría, Asociación Geológica Argentina, vol. 64, nº 3, p. 14, 2009.
N. Rubistein y M. Gargiulo, “Análisis textural de cuarzo hidrotermal del depósito El Pantanito, provincia de Mendoza: Nuevos aportes sobre su génesis”, vol. 60, nº 1, 2005.
F. H. C. B, “Evolución geo histórica de la sierra”, 2007. [En línea].
F. Rolón, "Opciones de la banca comercial en productos de importación", Dictamen Libre, no. 1213, pp. 71-75, 2013.