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Barriers in green supply chain management: a systematic review of the literature
Corresponding Author(s) : Efrain De La Hoz Granadillo
Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías,
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): January - June
Objective: to identify the barriers in the management of the green supply chain in organizations. Methodology: a research scheme was systematized that included a search equation and exclusion criteria. The SCIENCE DIRECT database was used, where 1052 articles were found, of which 27 research articles were selected after applying the exclusion criteria and carrying out the review and selection process of these. Results: 57 barriers that occur in the different industries and organizations were characterized when implementing the green supply chain management, which were classified into 8 categories: financial, administrative or managerial, knowledge, technology and innovation, suppliers and customers , governmental, legislative and social and infrastructure; having as main barriers and more frequently the lack of commitment on the part of senior management, the information gap, insufficient social pressure, deficient legislation, and costs and financial limitations that directly impact the management of the green supply chain. Conclusions: based on the results of the research, it is concluded that there are multiple barriers to implement sustainable practices in the supply chain, which indicate the complex path to sustainability and that requires the effort and participation of all the actors involved in the supply chain directly and indirectly, as well as external actors to organizations such as governments. Likewise, this research contributes to reducing uncertainty in the process of applying sustainable practices.
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- M. L. Tseng, M. S. Islam, N. Karia, F. A. Fauzi, and S. Afrin, “A literature review on green supply chain management: Trends and future challenges,” Resour. Conserv. Recycl., no. 141, pp. 145–162., 2019, doi:
- T. Wilkerson, “Can one green deliver another,” 2005.
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- M. C. Machado, M. Vivaldini, and O. J. de Oliveira, “Production and supply-chain as the basis for SMEs’ environmental management development: A systematic literature review,” J. Clean. Prod., no. 273, 2020, doi:
- J. Sarkis, “A boundaries and flows perspective of green supply chain management,” Supply Chain Manag., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 202–216, 2012, doi:
- J. Sarkis, Q. Zhu, and K. H. Lai, “An organizational theoretic review of green supply chain management literature,” Int. J. Prod. Econ., vol. 130, no. 1, pp. 1–15, 2011, doi: 10.1016 / j.ijpe.2010.11.010.
- J. Fahimnia, B., Sarkis and H. Davarzani, “Green supply chain management: A review and bibliometric analysis,” Int. J. Prod. Econ., no. 162, pp. 101–114, 2015, doi:
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- F. Taghikhah, A. Voinov, and N. Shukla, “Extending the supply chain to address sustainability,” J. Clean. Prod., no. 229, pp. 652–666, 2019, doi:
- R. Gómez, “Propuesta de gestión de cadena de abastecimiento verde para empresa comercializadora de suministros eléctricos,” Prod. + Limpia, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 117–127, 2011.
- T. J. Tumpa, S. M. Ali, M. H. Rahman, S. K. Paul, P. Chowdhury, and S. A. Rehman Khan, “Barriers to green supply chain management: An emerging economy context,” J. Clean. Prod., no. 236, 2019, doi:
- Z. Wang, K. Mathiyazhagan, L. Xu, and A. Diabat, “A decision making trial and evaluation laboratory approach to analyze the barriers to Green Supply Chain Management adoption in a food packaging company,” J. Clean. Prod., vol. 117, no. 1, pp. 19–28, 2016, [Online]. Available:
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- M. S. Bhatia and K. K. Gangwani, “Green supply chain management: Scientometric review and analysis of empirical research,” J. Clean. Prod., no. 284, p. 124722., 2021, doi:
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- U. R. De Oliveira, L. S. Espindola, I. R. Da Silva, I. N. Da Silva, and H. M. Rocha, “A systematic literature review on green supply chain management: Research implications and future perspectives,” J. Clean. Prod., no. 187, pp. 537–561, 2018, doi:
- D. R. Maditati, Z. H. Munim, H. J. Schramm, and S. Kummer, “A review of green supply chain management: From bibliometric analysis to a conceptual framework and future research directions.,” Resour. Conserv. Recycl., no. 139, pp. 150–162., 2018, doi:
- S. Abdul et al., “A state-of-the-art review and meta-analysis on sustainable supply chain management : Future research directions,” J. Clean. Prod., no. 278, 2021, doi:
- E. De La Hoz, J. Vélez, and L. López Polo, “Multiobjective linear programming model for reverse logistics in the polypropylene plastics industry,” Inf. Tecnol., vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 31–36, 2017, doi: 10.4067/s0718-07642017000500005.
- T. Fontalvo-Herrera, E. De-la-Hoz-Granadillo, and A. Mendoza-Mendoza, “Los Procesos Logísticos y La Administración de la Cadena de Suministro.,” Saber, Cienc. y Lib., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 21–31, 2019, doi: 10.18041/2382-3240/saber.2019v14n2.5880.
- E. De La Hoz Granadillo, T. Fontalvo, and L. López Polo, "Análisis Envolvente de Datos y Cálculo Multivariado para Valorar, Clasificar y Predecir la Eficiencia Productiva y de Innovación de las Empresas del Sector Químico". Información Tecnológica, Vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 213-220, 2019.
- E. De La Hoz Granadillo and , L. López Polo, "Análisis conceptual del desarrollo sostenible y el desarrollo sustentable" Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías, Vol. 2, no. 2,pp. 24-28, 2014.
- E. De La Hoz Granadillo, T. F. Herrera, and J. M. Gómez, “Modelo de evaluación de cadenas de suministro en el sector de confecciones de Barranquilla Evaluation model of supply chain apparel of Barranquilla,” no. 48, pp. 79–92, 2011.
- F. Ruiz Ohlsen and E. De La Hoz Granadillo, "La inteligencia competitiva en las pequeñas y medianas empresas de Barranquilla". Estudios de competitividad y análisis empresarial en la Región Caribe. Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar. . ISBN 978-958-5430-09-9. 2017.
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F. Taghikhah, A. Voinov, and N. Shukla, “Extending the supply chain to address sustainability,” J. Clean. Prod., no. 229, pp. 652–666, 2019, doi:
R. Gómez, “Propuesta de gestión de cadena de abastecimiento verde para empresa comercializadora de suministros eléctricos,” Prod. + Limpia, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 117–127, 2011.
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Z. Wang, K. Mathiyazhagan, L. Xu, and A. Diabat, “A decision making trial and evaluation laboratory approach to analyze the barriers to Green Supply Chain Management adoption in a food packaging company,” J. Clean. Prod., vol. 117, no. 1, pp. 19–28, 2016, [Online]. Available:
K. Govindan, M. Kaliyan, D. Kannan, and A. N. Haq, “Barriers analysis for green supply chain management implementation in Indian industries using analytic hierarchy process,” Int. J. Prod. Econ., no. 147(PART B, pp. 555–568, 2014, doi:
M. S. Bhatia and K. K. Gangwani, “Green supply chain management: Scientometric review and analysis of empirical research,” J. Clean. Prod., no. 284, p. 124722., 2021, doi:
R. Kant and R. K. Malviya, “Green supply chain management (GSCM): a structured literature review and research implications,” Benchmarking An Int. J., vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 1360–1394, 2015, doi:
U. R. De Oliveira, L. S. Espindola, I. R. Da Silva, I. N. Da Silva, and H. M. Rocha, “A systematic literature review on green supply chain management: Research implications and future perspectives,” J. Clean. Prod., no. 187, pp. 537–561, 2018, doi:
D. R. Maditati, Z. H. Munim, H. J. Schramm, and S. Kummer, “A review of green supply chain management: From bibliometric analysis to a conceptual framework and future research directions.,” Resour. Conserv. Recycl., no. 139, pp. 150–162., 2018, doi:
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E. De La Hoz, J. Vélez, and L. López Polo, “Multiobjective linear programming model for reverse logistics in the polypropylene plastics industry,” Inf. Tecnol., vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 31–36, 2017, doi: 10.4067/s0718-07642017000500005.
T. Fontalvo-Herrera, E. De-la-Hoz-Granadillo, and A. Mendoza-Mendoza, “Los Procesos Logísticos y La Administración de la Cadena de Suministro.,” Saber, Cienc. y Lib., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 21–31, 2019, doi: 10.18041/2382-3240/saber.2019v14n2.5880.
E. De La Hoz Granadillo, T. Fontalvo, and L. López Polo, "Análisis Envolvente de Datos y Cálculo Multivariado para Valorar, Clasificar y Predecir la Eficiencia Productiva y de Innovación de las Empresas del Sector Químico". Información Tecnológica, Vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 213-220, 2019.
E. De La Hoz Granadillo and , L. López Polo, "Análisis conceptual del desarrollo sostenible y el desarrollo sustentable" Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías, Vol. 2, no. 2,pp. 24-28, 2014.
E. De La Hoz Granadillo, T. F. Herrera, and J. M. Gómez, “Modelo de evaluación de cadenas de suministro en el sector de confecciones de Barranquilla Evaluation model of supply chain apparel of Barranquilla,” no. 48, pp. 79–92, 2011.
F. Ruiz Ohlsen and E. De La Hoz Granadillo, "La inteligencia competitiva en las pequeñas y medianas empresas de Barranquilla". Estudios de competitividad y análisis empresarial en la Región Caribe. Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar. . ISBN 978-958-5430-09-9. 2017.
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F. U. Ferreira, S. Robra, P. C. C. Ribeiro, C. F. S. Gomes, J. A. De Almeida Neto, and L. B. Rodrigues, “Towards a contribution to sustainable management of a dairy supply chain,” Production, no. 30, pp. 1–13, 2020, doi:
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