Usability in accessible and inclusive multi-scenario immersive virtual reality applications: A case study
Copyright (c) 2021 Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías
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- Articles
- Submited: November 25, 2021
Published: December 13, 2021
Objective: To evaluate a software product, the result of the research project entitled Methodology for the development of immersive virtual reality applications that comply with the principles of universal design, in order to validate the inclusion and accessibility of the experience for users with different abilities. Methodology: Virtual reality is a technology that allows the user to simulate experiences in a 3D virtual world created by humans through software and that requires an additional device such as glasses or a helmet. However, its use is limited for people with disabilities. The process of developing accessible virtual reality applications is bound to include all people. The applied RVI-A methodology is based on the accessibility requirements for visually and hearing impaired people. Results: To assess the quality of the software from the perspective of users with hearing and visual disabilities, user-centred usability tests were conducted using heuristic methods with experts, and empirical methods with real users, to determine whether the software met the criteria of understanding, learning, operability, attractiveness and conformity of use. Conclusions: The work allowed us to conclude through the usability results that the software met the user requirements and the expected quality, while the user experience was positive, managing to include visually and hearing impaired people, decreasing the technological gap that exists between the real world and the virtual world, improving this type of applications.
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