Energy evaluation of the formation of biogas obtained from solid urban waste from the sanitary landfill using the LandGEM model
Copyright (c) 2023 Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías
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- Articles
- Submited: February 7, 2023
Published: July 31, 2023
Objective: Estimate the energy available for electricity production from biogas obtained from landfill waste using the LandGEM model adapted to the local conditions of Monteria, Colombia. Methodology: For this purpose, information on the loma grande landfill located in the city of Monteria, waste volumes, climate, and waste composition from 2016 to 2028, obtained through databases and other studies, was used to apply the LandGEM model to power generation in biogas composition. Results: it was observed that only for the year 2022 the amount of methane calculated is 9,984,000 m3/year and with this the total estimated energy is 268,4968 MWh, which could supply the requirements of the Loma grande sanitary landfill. Conclusion: The study predicts that these assessment models can be used to plan landfill gas energy production, and thus, take advantage of unproductive land ownership that would normally be used as a landfill and that was previously created for non-destructive polluting materials.
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