Derechos de autor 2023 Gyulnaz Adygezalova, Tatyana Faroi, Viktoria Kovalеva, Anna Yakovleva-Chernysheva, Oksana Morozova

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Funciones y formas de aplicación del poder judicial en la doctrina jurídica rusa
Corresponding Author(s) : Gyulnaz Adygezalova
Vol. 28 Núm. 43 (2023): Enero-Junio
La doctrina jurídica carece de un entendimiento único de las funciones del poder judicial y, por lo general, no distingue entre las funciones y las formas de su aplicación, lo que ha determinado el objetivo del presente estudio de determinar claramente los conceptos, teniendo en cuenta el principio de la separación de poderes. La investigación se llevó a cabo utilizando principalmente los métodos dialéctico, lógico y comparativo de la cognición científica. Resultados del estudio son los siguientes: 1) las funciones del poder judicial deben entenderse como las principales esferas de su aplicación, que se manifiestan en su participación en el mecanismo de relaciones de poder público, incluso como un factor de disuasión y contrapeso para el fortalecimiento del poder por parte de la esfera legislativa o ejecutiva a fin de restablecer la justicia social; 2) la justicia debe ser reconocida como un fenómeno jurídico que pertenece a la categoría de medios jurídicos, ya que por medio de la justicia, el poder judicial protege los intereses de los sujetos del derecho y garantiza el logro de objetivos socialmente útiles; 3) todos los demás tipos de actividades judiciales deben agruparse en bloques por formas de realización dependiendo de las direcciones de su manifestación en la sociedad. La función expresa el contenido interno del fenómeno, a diferencia de la forma que representa la expresión externa del contenido, la forma de su existencia y realización, y debe considerarse sinónimo de "forma de aplicación del poder judicial" y "autoridad", "competencia" y "actividades del poder judicial".
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Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
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- Adygezalova, G.E. (2018). Sociological jurisprudence and legal realism as a basis for the development of judicial law-making. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 9(5), 1528-1533. DOI:
- Botoeva, Ch.K. (2015). Osnovaniya klassifikatsii funktsii gosudarstva v svete teorii razdeleniya vlastei [Basis for the classification of state functions in the light of the theory of separation of powers]. Sovremennye tendentsii razvitiya nauki i tekhnologii, 6-7, 48-52.
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- Dyussebayev, T.T., Amangeldy, A.A., Balashov, T.T., Akimbayeva, A.A., Aratuly, K., & Teleuyev, G.B. (2020). Judicial control and prosecutorial supervision in the system of guarantees for observing the rights and freedoms of a suspect person. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 11(3), 792-799. DOI:
- Faroi, T.V. (2017). Funktsii sudebnoi vlasti i formy ikh realizatsii: analiz terminologicheskogo apparata [The functions of the judiciary and the forms of their implementation: analysis of the terminological apparatus]. Pravo i praktika, 3, 61-68.
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- Lo, P.Y., & Chen, A.H.Y. (2018). The judicial perspective of "separation of powers" in the Hong Kong special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China. Journal of International and Comparative Law, 5(2), 337-362.
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- Rossum, R.A. (2019). Text and tradition: Justice scalia’s consistent application of his original public meaning approach to separation of powers. Perspectives on Political Science, 48(1), 24-32. DOI:
- Rawls, J. (2017). Teoriya spravedlivosti [The theory of justice]. Translated from English by V.V. Tselishchev. Moscow, Russia: URSS: LENAND.
- Rzhevskii, V.A., & Chepurnova, N.M. (1998). Sudebnaya vlast v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: Konstitutsionnye osnovy organizatsii i deyatelnosti [Judicial power in the Russian Federation: Constitutional foundations of organization and activity]. Moscow, Russia: Lawyer.
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- Tuzov, N.A. (2008). Vyrazhenie funktsii organov sudebnoi vlasti v sudebnykh aktakh [Expression of the functions of the judicial authorities in judicial acts]. Zhurnal rossiiskogo prava, 10, 95-104.
- Zavrazhnov, E.V. (2006). Sudebnaya vlast v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: Obshcheteoreticheskie voprosy i problemy realizatsii [Judicial power in the Russian Federation: General theoretical issues and implementation problems] (abstract of a thesis of candidate of legal sciences). OmGU, Omsk, Russia.
Adygezalova, G.E. (2016). Case law school as a way of law rationalization. Man in India, 96(12), 5463–5470.
Adygezalova, G.E. (2018). Sociological jurisprudence and legal realism as a basis for the development of judicial law-making. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 9(5), 1528-1533. DOI:
Botoeva, Ch.K. (2015). Osnovaniya klassifikatsii funktsii gosudarstva v svete teorii razdeleniya vlastei [Basis for the classification of state functions in the light of the theory of separation of powers]. Sovremennye tendentsii razvitiya nauki i tekhnologii, 6-7, 48-52.
Bozhiev, V.P., (Ed.). (2011). Law enforcement agencies of Russia: Textbook (3rd ed., rev. and amend.). Moscow, Russia: Yurait, pp. 45-55.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted at National Voting on December 12, 1993 (as amended and enlarged on July 1, 2020)]. Rossiiskaia Gazeta [Ros. Gaz.] 04.07.2020 No. 144.
Dyussebayev, T.T., Amangeldy, A.A., Balashov, T.T., Akimbayeva, A.A., Aratuly, K., & Teleuyev, G.B. (2020). Judicial control and prosecutorial supervision in the system of guarantees for observing the rights and freedoms of a suspect person. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 11(3), 792-799. DOI:
Faroi, T.V. (2017). Funktsii sudebnoi vlasti i formy ikh realizatsii: analiz terminologicheskogo apparata [The functions of the judiciary and the forms of their implementation: analysis of the terminological apparatus]. Pravo i praktika, 3, 61-68.
Foinitskii, I.Ya. (1996). Kurs ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva [Criminal justice course]. Saint Petersburg, Russia: Alpha.
Joseph, P.A. (2018). Separation of powers in New Zealand. Journal of International and Comparative Law, 5(2), 485-506.
Kolokolov, N.A. (2006). O prave, sude i pravosudii (izbrannoe) [On law, court and justice (selected)]. Moscow, Russia: Uniti-Dana, p. 199.
Lo, P.Y., & Chen, A.H.Y. (2018). The judicial perspective of "separation of powers" in the Hong Kong special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China. Journal of International and Comparative Law, 5(2), 337-362.
Lysov, P.K. (2013). Klassifikatsiya funktsii sudebnoi vlasti [Classification of the functions of the judiciary]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii, 3, 62-64.
Momotov, V.V. (2020, October 23). Sud v sovremennom mire: nezavisimost, effektivnost, otvetstvennost [Court in the modern world: independence, efficiency, responsibility]. Retrieved from:
Neo, J.L. (2018). Autonomy, deference, and control: Judicial doctrine and facets of separation of powers in Singapore. Journal of International and Comparative Law, 5(2), 461-483.
Petrukhin, I.L., Baturov, G.P., & Morshchakova, T.G. (1979). Teoreticheskie osnovy effektivnosti pravosudiya [Theoretical foundations of the effectiveness of justice]. Moscow, USSR: Nauka, p. 23.
Rossum, R.A. (2019). Text and tradition: Justice scalia’s consistent application of his original public meaning approach to separation of powers. Perspectives on Political Science, 48(1), 24-32. DOI:
Rawls, J. (2017). Teoriya spravedlivosti [The theory of justice]. Translated from English by V.V. Tselishchev. Moscow, Russia: URSS: LENAND.
Rzhevskii, V.A., & Chepurnova, N.M. (1998). Sudebnaya vlast v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: Konstitutsionnye osnovy organizatsii i deyatelnosti [Judicial power in the Russian Federation: Constitutional foundations of organization and activity]. Moscow, Russia: Lawyer.
Skitovich, V.V. (1997). Sudebnaya vlast kak sistemnoe obrazovanie [The judiciary as a systemic entity]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Pravovedenie, 1, 149-155.
Tuzov, N.A. (2008). Vyrazhenie funktsii organov sudebnoi vlasti v sudebnykh aktakh [Expression of the functions of the judicial authorities in judicial acts]. Zhurnal rossiiskogo prava, 10, 95-104.
Zavrazhnov, E.V. (2006). Sudebnaya vlast v Rossiiskoi Federatsii: Obshcheteoreticheskie voprosy i problemy realizatsii [Judicial power in the Russian Federation: General theoretical issues and implementation problems] (abstract of a thesis of candidate of legal sciences). OmGU, Omsk, Russia.