Derechos de autor 2022 José Carlos Espinoza, Alejandro Ramírez Viveros, Pedro Paul Rivera Hernández

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Desarrollo económico y democracia en México en tiempos de COVID-19
Corresponding Author(s) : José Carlos Espinoza
Vol. 27 Núm. 42 (2022): Julio - Diciembre
El COVID-19 ha impactado económica, política y socialmente a nivel global, México no ha sido la excepción. En esta investigación se analiza el comportamiento del desarrollo económico y el avance democrático del país en tiempos de COVID-19. Así mismo, se estima la relación entre dichas variables. Para ello se realiza un análisis de regresión para el periodo 2019-2020. Se ha encontrado evidencia de que la relación de dichas variables en el país en plena época de pandemia, presenta un enfoque consensual, donde a mayor grado de desarrollo democrático, mayor nivel de desarrollo económico.
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Acuña, Héctor, Diego Carrasco, Martín Carrasco and Andrés Soto. (2019). El efecto del partido político del alcalde sobre variables de gasto municipal. El Trimestre Económico, 86(342), 343-404. DOI:
Birdsall, Nancy, Nora Lustig, and Darryl McLeod (2011). Declining Inequality in Latin America: Some Economics, Some Politics. CDG Working Paper 251, Washington, D.C.: Center for Global Development. DOI:
Brieger, Stefan and Gunther Markwardt (2020). The Democracy–Economy-Nexus. Review of Economics, vol. 71, no. 2, 2020, pp. 135-167. DOI:
Burkhart, Ross, and Michael Lewis-Beck (1994). Comparative Democracy: The Economic Development Thesis. American Political Science Review, 88(4), 903-910. DOI:
Demortain, David (2019). The politics of calculation. Towards a sociology of quantification in governance. Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances. 13(4). DOI:
Diamond, Larry (1992). Economic Development and Democracy Reconsidered. American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 35, Issue 4-5, 450-499. DOI:
ECLAC (2021). La prolongación de la crisis sanitaria y su impacto en la salud, la economía y el desarrollo social. ECLAC-PAHO.
Estes, Richard (1984). The Social Progress of Nations, New York, Praeger.
Ferreira, Fernando and Joseph Gyourko (2009). Do political parties matter? Evidence from U.S. cities. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124, 399-422. DOI:
Fiva, Jon, Olle Folke and Rune Sorensen (2013). The power of parties. CESifo working paper, 4119. DOI:
Gerber, Elisabeth and Daniel Hopkins (2011). When mayors matter: Estimating the impact of mayoral partisanship on city policy. American Journal of Political Science, 55, 326-339. DOI:
Gerring, John, Philip Bond, William Barndt and Carola Moreno (2005). Democracy and Economic Growth A historical Perspective. World Politics, 323-64. DOI:
Huber, Evelyne, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and John Stephens (1993). The Impact of Economic Development on Democracy. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 7 (3): 71-86. DOI:
IDD-Mex (2019). Results presentation 2019. Available on : IDD-Mex (2020). Results presentation 2020. Available on :
IDD-Mex (2021). Democratic Development Index. Available on :
Knutsen, Carl Henrik, John Gerring, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, Matthew Maguire, Michael Coppedge and Staffan Lindberg (2018).
Economic development and democracy: An electoral connection. European Journal of Political Research, vol. 58, issue 1, pp. 292- 314. DOI:
Kurunmaki, Liisa, Andrea Mennicken and Peter Miller (2016). Quantifying, Economising, and Marketising: Democratising the Social Sphere? Sociologie du travail. 58(4), 390-402. DOI:
Landman, Todd (1999). Economic Development and Democracy: The View from Latin America. Political Studies, 1999; 47(4): 607-626. DOI:
Latinobarómetro (2021). Informe anual 2021. Corporación Latinobarómetro. Santiago, Chile.
Lipset, Seymour Martin (1959). Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy. The American
Political Science Review, Vol. 53, No. 1 (Mar., 1959), pp. 69-105. DOI:
México, ¿cómo vamos? (2019). Social Progress Index Mexico 2019. Beyond GDP. Available on:
México, ¿cómo vamos? (2020). Social Progress Index Mexico 2020. Beyond GDP. Available on:
OECD (2006). Measuring the progress of societies. World Forum on statistics, knowledge and policy.
Payne, Mark, Daniel Zovatto and Mercedes Mateo (2006). La política importa. Democracia y Desarrollo en América Latina. Inter-American Development Bank and International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Washington.
Persson, Torsten and Guido Tabellini (2009). Democratic Capital: The Nexus of Political and Economic Change. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 1 (2): 88-126. DOI:
Pettersson-Lidbom, Per (2007). Do parties matter for economic outcomes: a regression discontinuity approach? Journal of the European Economic Association, 6, 1037-1056. DOI:
Porter, Michael, Scott Stern and Roberto Artavia (2013). Social Progress Index 2013. Social Progress Imperative.
Przeworski, Adam (2004). Democracy and Economic Development. In Mansfield, Edward and Richard Sisson. The Evolution of Political
Knowledge: Democracy, Autonomy, and Conflict in Comparative and International Politics. Ohio State University Press, 2004.
Radu, Madalina (2015). The Impact of Political Determinants on Economic Growth in CEE Countries. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 197, 25 July 2015, 1990-1996. DOI:
Rivas, José (2015).Calidad de la democracia y desarrollo democrático. Working papers, 335. Institut de Ciencies Politiques i Socials. DOI:
Robinson, James (2006). Economic development and democracy. Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 9, 503-527. DOI:
Rodríguez-Burgos, Karla (2015) Democracia y tipos de democracia. In: Ciencia política: perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Tirant lo Blanch, México, D.F., pp. 49-66.
Rojas, Mauricio (2009). Measuring the progress of societies. Reflections from Mexico. Scientific and Technological Consultative Forum.
Rojas, Mauricio (2012). Progreso y desarrollo. Serie de ensayos de la biblioteca virtual de Mauricio Rojas. Septiembre 2012.
Sartori, Giovanni (2004). ¿Hacia dónde va la ciencia política? Política y gobierno. Vol. XI, Núm. 2, pp. 349-354.
Social Progress Imperative (2019). Social Progress Index 2019. Executive Summary.
United Nations (2015). The Millennium Development Goals Report. New York: United Nations.
United Nations Development Programme (2018). Índices e indicadores de desarrollo humano. Actualización estadística 2018.