Physical and mechanic characterization of the sterile part of coal, searching for an environmental alternative in civil infrastructure works
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- Articles
- Submited: June 22, 2018
Published: June 22, 2018
Objective: The present investigation is focused on physically and mechanically characterizing multiple Samples of the coal waste belonging to the municipality of Lenguazaque (Cundinamarca), with the purpose of identifying the possible use of this material in engineering, especially in road infrastructure works.
Methodology: Normative foundations were used, techniques that generated results and information provided by the Ministry of Mines who indicate that the contribution of mining to the growth of the country's economy has shown high growth in recent years, which contrasts with the negative effect that this practice entails on the environment, taking into account that in the extraction of coal there are solid residues resulting from the exploitation of this mineral, these residues are called "sterile coal", which are mostly removed from the carbon so as not to affect the energy potential of the product.
Results and conclusions: The results of the research are encouraging since its characteristics place the material as an alternative for the construction of low traffic road structures.
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