Cognitive distortions of sexual victimizers of children and adolescents: associations with experiences in the family of origin, early maladaptive schemas, self-esteem and self-efficacy

Distorsiones cognitivas de los abusadores sexuales de niños y adolescentes: asociaciones con experiencias en la familia de origen, esquemas iniciales de desadaptación, autoestima y autoeficacia



Palabras clave:

distorsiones cognitivas, abusadores sexuales, esquemas desadaptativos iniciales, niños, adolescentes


Introduction: Cognitive distortions of child sexual offenders have been researched because they might be the foundation for tort conduct.

Objective: the aim of this study was to analyze cognitive distortions in individuals convicted for statutory rape against children and/or teenagers and verify connections with their family of origin, early maladaptive schema, self-esteem, and self-efficacy, as well as to assess the predictive power of these variables in the occurrence of cognitive distortions.

Method: this was a descriptive, correlational and explanatory research performed with 49 men currently serving time without parole. The following instruments were administered: Family Background Questionnaire, Young Schema Questionnaire, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, as well as a documentary review of the legal proceedings of the participants.

Results: the study revealed connections between cognitive distortions and substance abuse by the father (r=0,417; p=0,034), as well as vulnerability to harm (r=0,416; p=0,008), defectiveness (r=0,405; p=0,013), and grandiosity (r=0,339; p=0,040) schema. The vulnerability to harm scheme was the only predictive variable for cognitive distortions, accounting for 73,4 % of the variance.

Conclusion: importance of analyzing cognitive distortions in child sexual victimizers and the possibility of schema therapy as an alternative treatment.



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Cómo citar

Velasquez Marafiga, C., Ferraz Neis, L., & Falcke, D. (2022). Cognitive distortions of sexual victimizers of children and adolescents: associations with experiences in the family of origin, early maladaptive schemas, self-esteem and self-efficacy: Distorsiones cognitivas de los abusadores sexuales de niños y adolescentes: asociaciones con experiencias en la familia de origen, esquemas iniciales de desadaptación, autoestima y autoeficacia. Psicogente, 25(48), 1–25.

