Self-deprecation: Searching for a Measure

Autodesprecio: en busca de una medida



Palabras clave:

autodepreciación, autoestima, narcisismo, agresividad


Introduction: Self-depreciation is a construct rarely studied by psychology, usually considered just a facet opposite to self-esteem. However, the literature presents its relationship with mental health and well-being, indicating the relevance of further investigations.

Objective: The present research aimed to develop a measure for self-deprecation.

Method: Were conducted two studies, both with 200 brazilian participants (M = 21,73; SD = 5,87). In addition to the developed instrument, the second study used the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Single-Item Self-Esteem Scale, the Single-Item Narcissism Scale and the Aggression Questionnaire.

Results: Initially, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis were performed on the instrument, which indicated a single factor organization, explaining 35 % of the variance and obtaining the reliability of ω = 0,89. The second study sought to carry out confirmatory analysis, calibration analysis, and correlations between self-deprecation, self-esteem, narcissism, and aggression. The scale had a good fit index of adjustment (CFI = 0,97; TLI = 0,97; RMSEA = 0,04; and SRMR = 0,05). There was a negative correlation between self-esteem (r = -0,75) and self-deprecation, as well as a positive one with all aggression factors.

Conclusions: The Self-Deprecation Scale showed evidence of factor validity and reliability. Despite this, the limitations of the study are highlighted, especially the use of convenience sampling. It is concluded that the objectives were met.


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Cómo citar

Silva Santos, I. L., Pimentel, C. E., & Evangelista Mariano, T. (2022). Self-deprecation: Searching for a Measure: Autodesprecio: en busca de una medida. Psicogente, 25(48), 1–19.




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