Multiple intelligences and financial decisions: An exploration
Inteligencias múltiples y decisiones financieras: Una exploración
DOI: clave:
emotional intelligence, financial decisions, risk, patienceResumen
Objective: The objective of this research is to establish a relationship between the theory of multiple intelligences with the management and use of credit cards, including risk, patience, and economic education. This will allow the establishment of a line of marketing and consumption contextualized to the types of intelligence.
Method: The design is observational -correlational, and this analysis was done using structural equation modeling (SEM). There were 498 participants in the study.
Results: We found there was a positive relationship between the logical-mathematical and personal intelligences (intra and inter) with the management of patience, risk conditions, and tendency toward indebtedness. In the conceptual review, no studies were found that relate the present variables. In the same sense, the present work helps the marketing processes and product design better fit the profile of the user and/or buyer.
Conclusion: Finally, it sheds light on the construction of public policy for the management of marketing and financial education.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Jean David Polo Vargas, María Esperanza Cuenca Coral, Andrés Felipe Zambrano Curcio, Miltón José Zambrano Curcio, Andrés Muñoz Alvis
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