Copyright (c) 2017 Leyla Kuzmar, Jaime Jordán
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Cervical ectopic pregnancy with colic abdominal pain
Corresponding Author(s) : Leyla Kuzmar
Ciencia e Innovación en Salud,
Background: Very few case reports of ectopic cervical pregnancy with clear photos are available in the scientific world literature. Is a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality with a pregnancy-related mortality. Cervical pregnancy is more common in pregnancies achieved after assisted reproductive technologies; it occurs in 0.1% of in vitro fertilization pregnancies. The potential morbidity demonstrates the importance of early diagnosis of a cervical ectopic
so as early intervention and treatment may be employed. The most common symptom of cervical pregnancy is vaginal bleeding, which is often painless.
Case report: A 39 year old woman, G4 P2 C1 A0 L3, two spontaneous vaginal deliveries and last child birth by caesarean section + Pomeroy 15 years back, who underwent three embryo transfer 6.1 weeks ago; referred to the obstetric emergency department with 8 days increasing colic abdominal pain with some vaginal bleeding.
Discussion: This is an interesting case report with few bleeding and increasing colic abdominal pain that did not answer to methrotexate and required a hysterectomy as the most viable solution.
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