Copyright (c) 2020 Natali Olaya Mira, Isabel Cristina Soto Cardona, Karla Cristina Ciro Vargas, Paola Andrea Rodríguez Buitrago

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Biomechanics of the dorsolumbar region during manual patient handling
Corresponding Author(s) : Natali Olaya Mira
Ciencia e Innovación en Salud,
Background: Many work-related accidents and diseases that affect nursing assistants’ health and the economy of companies are attributed to manual load handling. Among the available methods to analyses these tasks, NIOSH is one of the most commonly adopted. Furthermore, the implementation of biomechanical techniques enables to create and assess records that quantify the complexity of injuries. The objective is to evaluate the biomechanics of manual patient handling by the NIOSH method complemented with electromyography of the lumbar region and videogrammetry of the gesture. Methods: In a simulated work environment a patient was lifted to a gurney while the stability of the dorsolumbar region was calculated using electromyography. At the same time, the kinematics of the main joints involved in the gesture were recorded using videogrammetry. These data were compared with those of the NIOSH method to establish the main factors that may have an influence on the performance of manual load lifting. Results: The maximum recommended weight was found to be above the lifted weight. Besides, the lifting index suggested that the task could cause musculoskeletal issues. The coactivation of the pairs of medial muscles presented values under 50%. The kinematics of all the joints exhibited points of inflection during lifting and a wide variation of the amplitude of movement throughout the gesture. Conclusions: The variables that affect lifting depend on the design of the work environment. Moreover, they are closely related to articular kinematics and the height of the participants, who demonstrated good stability in the dorsolumbar region.
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- Hallal Camilla Zamfolini, Marques Nise Ribeiro, Vieira Edgar Ramos, Brunt Denis, SpinosoDeborah Hebling, Castro Alex et al. Coactivación muscular del miembro inferior de jóvenes y ancianos saludables durante la marcha con doble tarea funcional. Motríz: rev. educ. fis. Motriz Rev Educ Fis. 2013 Sep;19(3):620–6. DOI: 10.1590/S1980-65742013000300013
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Álvares Casado E, Hernández Soto A, Rayo Gracía V. El riesgo asociado a la movilización depacientes. Gestión Práctica de Riesgos Laborales. 2010;67:26–9.
Ruiz LR. Manipulación manual de cargas. Guía Técnica del INSHT. INSHT, Inst Nac Segur eHig en el Trab [Internet]. 2011;30. Available from:
Caicedo G AM, Manzano G JA, Gómez Vélez DF, Gómez L. Factores de Riesgo, Evaluación,Control y Prevención en el Levantamiento y Transporte Manual de Cargas. Rev Colomb Salud Ocup. 2015;5(2):5–9. DOI: 18041/2322-634X/rcso.2.2015.4890
Tulio M, Toro M. Dolor lumbar agudo: mecanismos, enfoque y tratamiento. Morfolia. 2009;1(3). Avaible from:
García Baonza S, Marco Sanz C. Análisis de factores de riesgo dinámicos en la manipulaciónde cargas. Anal Dyn risk factors Handl loads [Internet]. 2013;10(18):16 p. Available from:
Sánchez Lite A, García García M, Manzanedo del Campo MÁ. Métodos de evaluación yherramientas aplicadas al diseño y optimización ergonómica de puestos de trabajo. Qual Heal Saf Work Environ [Internet]. 2007;239–50. Available from:
(NIOSH) NI for OS and H, TR W, Putz-Anderson V, Garg A. Applications Manual for the RevisedNIOSH Lifting Equation. DHHS Publication No. 94-110. 1994. p. 1–119.
Diego Mas JA. Método NIOSH - Evaluación del levantamiento de carga [Internet]. Ergonautas,Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 2015. Available from:
Urquhart DM, Barker PJ, Hodges PW, Story IH, Briggs CA. Regional morphology of thetransversus abdominis and obliquus internus and externus abdominis muscles. Clin Biomech. 2005;20(3):233–41. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2004.11.007
Martín F, Colado JC, Tella V. Comparación de los niveles de activación de los músculosestabilizadores del CORE y agonistas durante la realización del ejercicio. Universidad de Valencia; 2012. Available from:
Hallal Camilla Zamfolini, Marques Nise Ribeiro, Vieira Edgar Ramos, Brunt Denis, SpinosoDeborah Hebling, Castro Alex et al. Coactivación muscular del miembro inferior de jóvenes y ancianos saludables durante la marcha con doble tarea funcional. Motríz: rev. educ. fis. Motriz Rev Educ Fis. 2013 Sep;19(3):620–6. DOI: 10.1590/S1980-65742013000300013
World Medical Association. World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki Ethical Principlesfor Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. Am Med Assoc [Internet]. 2013;310(20):2013–6. Available from:
Perez S, Sánchez P. “Riesgos Ergonómicos En Las Tareas De Manipulación De Pacientes, EnAyudantes De Enfermería Y Auxiliares Generales De Dos Unidades Del Hospital Clínico De La Universidad De Chile”. [Internet]. Universidad de Chile; 2009. Available from:
Le P, Best TM, Khan SN, Mendel E, Marras WS. A review of methods to assess coactivation inthe spine. Vol. 32, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2017. p. 51–60.
Norris CM, Pasarello Clérice M. La estabilidad de la espalda : un enfoque diferente para preveniry tratar el dolor de espalda [Internet]. Hispano Europea; 2007. Available from:
Vidal Oltra A. Entrenamiento del CORE selección de ejercicios seguros y eficaces. Lect Educfísica y Deport. 2015;(210):7. Available from:
ProvenzanoG. Estabilidad e inestabilidad postural. 2016. Available from:
Behm DG, Drinkwater EJ, Willardson JM, Cowley PM. Canadian society for exercise physiologyposition stand: The use of instability to train the core in athletic and nonathletic conditioning. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2010 Feb;35(1):109–12. DOI: 10.1139/H09-128
H. Méndez D, Ponce Amorín M. Inestabilidad lumbar, parte I: fisiopatología. AKD. Available from:
Cuixart SN, Casado EÁ, Menoni O, Battevi N, Occhipinti E, Sandoval ST. Evaluación del riesgopor manipulación manual de pacientes: método MAPO Risk assessment for manual handling of patients: Method MAPO L’évaluation des dangers pour la manutention manuelle de patients: Méthode MAPO Redactores: C. 2011.