Copyright (c) 2021 Aura Alicia Valbuena, Lorena Chaparro-Diaz

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Nursing professional perspective on the grieving process in oncological situations. A study from grounded theory
Corresponding Author(s) : Lorena Chaparro-Diaz
Ciencia e Innovación en Salud,
Background: This article discusses what the process experienced by nursing professionals is like having to face care situations in death stages and the grief of people with cancer. Objective: To understand the grief oncology process from nurse’s perspective in a group to Bogotá, Colombia. Methods: Qualitative study, based on grounded theory. The information was collected in in-depth interviews with 7 nurses specialized in cancer care, from public hospitals in Bogotá D.C; Results: 5 categories were found that describe how nurses live a grieving process from the moment they recognize themselves and their reality, feel defeated, act for a good death, learn from the losses and transcend to from multiple losses. Conclusions: A substantive theory called “Resignifying death and mourning to empower my NURSE I” was derived, allowing the conclusion of the hypothetical existence of 5 profiles: Novice, impotent, human, reflexive and leading nurse
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- De Martel C, Bray F, Georges D, Ferlay J. Global burden of cancer attributable to infections in 2018: a worldwide incidence analysis. Lancet Glob Heal. [internet]. Diciembre de 2019; 8(2): e-180-e190. DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(19)30488-7
- Granek L, Ben-David M, Shapira S, Bar-Sela G, Ariad S. Grief symptoms and difficult patient loss for oncologists in response to patient death. Psychooncology. [internet] 2017 Jul;26(7):960-966. DOI: 10.1002/pon.4118
- Phillips CS, Volker DL. Riding the Roller Coaster: A Qualitative Study of Oncology Nurses' Emotional Experience in Caring for Patients and Their Families. Cancer Nurs. 2020 Sep/Oct;43(5):E283-E290. DOI: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000734
- Papadatou, D. A Proposed Model of Health Professionals’ Grieving Process. OMEGA (Westport). Agosto de 2000. 41(1), 59–77. DOI: 10.2190/TV6M-8YNA-5DYW-3C1E
- Neimeyer RA. Meaning reconstruction in bereavement: Development of a research program. Death Stud. Marzo de 2019;43(2):79-91. DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2018.1456620
- Papadatou D, Bellali T, Papazoglou I, Petraki D. Greek nurse and physician grief as a result of caring for children dying of cancer. Pediatr Nurs. Jul-Aug 2002;28(4):345-53.
- Finley BA, Sheppard KG. Compassion Fatigue: Exploring Early-Career Oncology Nurses' Experiences. Clin J Oncol Nurs. Junio de 2017 1;21(3):E61-E66. DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.E61-E66
- Barnes S, Jordan Z, Broom M. Health professionals' experiences of grief associated with the death of pediatric patients: a systematic review. JBI Evid Synth. Marzo de 2020;18(3):459-515. DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-D-19-00156
- Strauss A, Corbin J. Bases de la investigación cualitativa: Técnicas y procedimientos para desarrollar la teoría fundamentada. Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia; 2002.
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- Pérez Vega ME, Cibanal LJ. Impacto psicosocial en enfermeras que brindan cuidados en fase terminal. Rev Cuid; 7( 1 ): 1210-1218. DOI: 10.15649/cuidarte.v7i1.295
- Vega-Vega P, González-Rodríguez R, López-Encina ME, Abarca-González E, Carrasco-Aldunate P, Rojo-Suárez L, González-Briones X. Perception of support in professional's and technician's grief of pediatric intensive care units in public hospitals. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2019 Aug;90(4):429-436. English, Spanish. DOI: 10.32641/rchped.v90i4.1010
- Conte TM. The Lived Experience of Work-Related Loss and Grief Among Pediatric Oncology Nurses. J Hospiace Palliat Nurs. Febrero de 2014;16(1):40–6. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000019
- Wenzel J, Shaha M, Klimmek R, Krumm S. Working through grief and loss: oncology nurses' perspectives on professional bereavement. Oncol Nurs Forum. Julio de 2011;38(4):E272-82. DOI: 10.1188/11.ONF.E272-E282
- Betriana, F., & Kongsuwan, W. Nurses’ Grief in Caring for Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Literature Review. Songklanagarind J Nurs. marzo de 2019. 39(1), 138-148. Retrieved from
- Chan HYL, Lee LH, Chan CWH. The perceptions and experiences of nurses and bereaved families towards bereavement care in an oncology unit. Support Care Cancer. Junio de 2013;21(6):1551–6. DOI: 10.1007/s00520-012-1692-4
- Macedo A, Mercês NNA, Silva LAGP, et al. Nurses’ Coping Strategies in Pediatric Oncology: An Integrative Review. Rev Fund Care Online. Apr./Jul de 2019. 11(3):718-724. DOI: 10.9789/2175-5361.2019. v11i3.718-724
- Hermosilla-Avila A, Sanhueza-Alvarado, O. The experience of cancer patients and nursing care. Rev Cuid [online]. Abril de 2020; 11(1): e782. DOI: 10.15649/cuidarte.782
- A.I. Kgosana; Mamogobo, P. M.; Mothiba, T. M.; Okafor, U. B. Experiences and Practices of Nurses Caring for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Study. Glob. J. Health Sci. 2019. 11(3): 44-51. DOI:10.5539/gjhs.v11n3p44
- Gama G, Barbosa F, Vieira M. Personal determinants of nurses’ burnout in end of life care. Eur J Oncol Nurs. Octubre de 2014;18(5):527–33. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejon.2014.04.005
- García-Solis B, Araujo-Nava E, García-Ferrer V, García-Hernández M de L. Sentimientos que manifiestan las enfermeras ante la muerte de su paciente. Horizontes en Salud. Diciembre de 2014;5(2):47–59.
- Truant T, Chan RJ. Future ready: Strengthening oncology nursing leadership in the context of professional oncology nursing organizations. Can Oncol Nurs J. Febrero de 2017. 1;27(1):2-4.
- Willis DG, Grace PJ, Roy C. A central unifying focus for the discipline: facilitating humanization, meaning, choice, quality of life, and healing in living and dying. ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 2008 Jan-Mar;31(1):E28-40. DOI: 10.1097/01.ANS.0000311534.04059.d9
- Wolf Z R; France NEM. Caring in Nursing Theory. Int J Hum Caring. 21 (2): 95-108.
- Reed PG. Theory of self-transcendence. En: Smith MJ, Liehr P, editores. Middle Range Theory for Nursing. 3a ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company; 2014.
- Jahandar P, Zagheri Tafreshi M, Rassouli M, Atashzadeh-Shoorideh F. Spiritual Leadership Model as a Paradigm for Nursing Leadership: A Review Article. Adv Nurs Midwifery. Enero de 2018;27(3):43-46.
- Benner P. From novice to expert. Am J Nurs. Marzo de 1982;82(3):402–7
De Martel C, Bray F, Georges D, Ferlay J. Global burden of cancer attributable to infections in 2018: a worldwide incidence analysis. Lancet Glob Heal. [internet]. Diciembre de 2019; 8(2): e-180-e190. DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(19)30488-7
Granek L, Ben-David M, Shapira S, Bar-Sela G, Ariad S. Grief symptoms and difficult patient loss for oncologists in response to patient death. Psychooncology. [internet] 2017 Jul;26(7):960-966. DOI: 10.1002/pon.4118
Phillips CS, Volker DL. Riding the Roller Coaster: A Qualitative Study of Oncology Nurses' Emotional Experience in Caring for Patients and Their Families. Cancer Nurs. 2020 Sep/Oct;43(5):E283-E290. DOI: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000734
Papadatou, D. A Proposed Model of Health Professionals’ Grieving Process. OMEGA (Westport). Agosto de 2000. 41(1), 59–77. DOI: 10.2190/TV6M-8YNA-5DYW-3C1E
Neimeyer RA. Meaning reconstruction in bereavement: Development of a research program. Death Stud. Marzo de 2019;43(2):79-91. DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2018.1456620
Papadatou D, Bellali T, Papazoglou I, Petraki D. Greek nurse and physician grief as a result of caring for children dying of cancer. Pediatr Nurs. Jul-Aug 2002;28(4):345-53.
Finley BA, Sheppard KG. Compassion Fatigue: Exploring Early-Career Oncology Nurses' Experiences. Clin J Oncol Nurs. Junio de 2017 1;21(3):E61-E66. DOI: 10.1188/17.CJON.E61-E66
Barnes S, Jordan Z, Broom M. Health professionals' experiences of grief associated with the death of pediatric patients: a systematic review. JBI Evid Synth. Marzo de 2020;18(3):459-515. DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-D-19-00156
Strauss A, Corbin J. Bases de la investigación cualitativa: Técnicas y procedimientos para desarrollar la teoría fundamentada. Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia; 2002.
Hernández Carrera RM. La investigación cualitativa a través de entrevistas: su análisis mediante la teoría fundamentada. Cuestiones Pedagógicas [Internet]. 1 de enero de 2014 [citado 15 de enero de 2021];(23):187-210.
Polit D, Hungler B. Investigación científica en ciencias de la salud. 6a ed. México D.F.: McGraw-Hill Interamericana; 2003.
Guba E, Lincoln Y. Effective Evaluation: Improving the Usefulness of Evaluation Results Through Responsive and Naturalistic Approaches. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass; 1981.
Pérez Vega ME, Cibanal LJ. Impacto psicosocial en enfermeras que brindan cuidados en fase terminal. Rev Cuid; 7( 1 ): 1210-1218. DOI: 10.15649/cuidarte.v7i1.295
Vega-Vega P, González-Rodríguez R, López-Encina ME, Abarca-González E, Carrasco-Aldunate P, Rojo-Suárez L, González-Briones X. Perception of support in professional's and technician's grief of pediatric intensive care units in public hospitals. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2019 Aug;90(4):429-436. English, Spanish. DOI: 10.32641/rchped.v90i4.1010
Conte TM. The Lived Experience of Work-Related Loss and Grief Among Pediatric Oncology Nurses. J Hospiace Palliat Nurs. Febrero de 2014;16(1):40–6. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000019
Wenzel J, Shaha M, Klimmek R, Krumm S. Working through grief and loss: oncology nurses' perspectives on professional bereavement. Oncol Nurs Forum. Julio de 2011;38(4):E272-82. DOI: 10.1188/11.ONF.E272-E282
Betriana, F., & Kongsuwan, W. Nurses’ Grief in Caring for Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Literature Review. Songklanagarind J Nurs. marzo de 2019. 39(1), 138-148. Retrieved from
Chan HYL, Lee LH, Chan CWH. The perceptions and experiences of nurses and bereaved families towards bereavement care in an oncology unit. Support Care Cancer. Junio de 2013;21(6):1551–6. DOI: 10.1007/s00520-012-1692-4
Macedo A, Mercês NNA, Silva LAGP, et al. Nurses’ Coping Strategies in Pediatric Oncology: An Integrative Review. Rev Fund Care Online. Apr./Jul de 2019. 11(3):718-724. DOI: 10.9789/2175-5361.2019. v11i3.718-724
Hermosilla-Avila A, Sanhueza-Alvarado, O. The experience of cancer patients and nursing care. Rev Cuid [online]. Abril de 2020; 11(1): e782. DOI: 10.15649/cuidarte.782
A.I. Kgosana; Mamogobo, P. M.; Mothiba, T. M.; Okafor, U. B. Experiences and Practices of Nurses Caring for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Study. Glob. J. Health Sci. 2019. 11(3): 44-51. DOI:10.5539/gjhs.v11n3p44
Gama G, Barbosa F, Vieira M. Personal determinants of nurses’ burnout in end of life care. Eur J Oncol Nurs. Octubre de 2014;18(5):527–33. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejon.2014.04.005
García-Solis B, Araujo-Nava E, García-Ferrer V, García-Hernández M de L. Sentimientos que manifiestan las enfermeras ante la muerte de su paciente. Horizontes en Salud. Diciembre de 2014;5(2):47–59.
Truant T, Chan RJ. Future ready: Strengthening oncology nursing leadership in the context of professional oncology nursing organizations. Can Oncol Nurs J. Febrero de 2017. 1;27(1):2-4.
Willis DG, Grace PJ, Roy C. A central unifying focus for the discipline: facilitating humanization, meaning, choice, quality of life, and healing in living and dying. ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 2008 Jan-Mar;31(1):E28-40. DOI: 10.1097/01.ANS.0000311534.04059.d9
Wolf Z R; France NEM. Caring in Nursing Theory. Int J Hum Caring. 21 (2): 95-108.
Reed PG. Theory of self-transcendence. En: Smith MJ, Liehr P, editores. Middle Range Theory for Nursing. 3a ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company; 2014.
Jahandar P, Zagheri Tafreshi M, Rassouli M, Atashzadeh-Shoorideh F. Spiritual Leadership Model as a Paradigm for Nursing Leadership: A Review Article. Adv Nurs Midwifery. Enero de 2018;27(3):43-46.
Benner P. From novice to expert. Am J Nurs. Marzo de 1982;82(3):402–7