Copyright (c) 2020 Angélica Patricia Chamorro Arrieta

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Functioning profile of patients with cerebrovascular disease sequels cared at a third level hospital in Popayan 2016-2018
Corresponding Author(s) : Angélica Patricia Chamorro Arrieta
Ciencia e Innovación en Salud,
Background: The functioning profile allows the characterization of the different health domains in three pillars of the biopsychosocial model of health established in the International Classification of Functioning and Disability (ICF): body structures and functioning, activities and participation, contextual factors. Materials: Retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study, reviewing the medical records of the years 2016-2018 of patients diagnosed with Cerebrovascular Disease. Descriptive statistics of the functioning variables established by the International Classification of Functioning and Disability (ICFD) were used. Results: 363 medical records met the inclusion criteria, the average age was 74,5 years, 59,8 % from the rural area of the municipalities of central Cauca, 47,9 % had deficiency in lobe structures temporal, parietal and frontal, deficiencies in functions related to swallowing, mostly with a severe problem, 54,3 %, language 17,6 %, and muscular strength with a problem between moderate and severe in 81,2 %, presented limitations of all activities 30,3 % with facilitators such as close relatives 97,7 %. Conclusions: The study population presents functional dependency that requires rehabilitation processes for its operation and implementation of public policies that minimize the overload of the informal caregiver.
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- World Health Organization. International classification of functioning, disability, and health -children and youth version [Internet].2011. 1–371 p.
- Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social C-. Guía de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico y manejodel episodio agudo del Ataque Cerebrovascular [Internet]. Vol. 62, Guia N° 54 de 2015.
- Saposnik G, Del Brutto OH. Stroke in South America: A systematic review of incidence,prevalence, and stroke subtypes. Stroke [Internet]. 2003;34(9):2103 7.
- Shahla ND, Ardashir A, Yaghoub P. The Effect of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation(PNF) on Activities of Daily Living of Client with Cerebrovascular Accident. World Fam MedJournal/Middle East J Fam Med [Internet]. 2017;15(7):154–8. on ADL.pdf
- Cheng YD, Al-Khoury L, Zivin JA. Neuroprotection for Ischemic Stroke: Two Decades of Successand Failure. NeuroRx [Internet]. 2004;1(1):36–45.
- Kalra L. The influence of stroke unit rehabilitation on functional recovery from stroke. Stroke[Internet]. 1994;25(4):821–5. DOI: 10.1161/01.STR.25.4.821
- Langhorne P, Bernhardt J, Kwakkel G. Stroke rehabilitation. Lancet [Internet].2011;377(9778):1693–702. Disponible en: DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60325-5
- Stinear CM, Byblow WD, Ackerley SJ, Barber PA, Smith MC. Predicting Recovery Potential forIndividual Stroke Patients Increases Rehabilitation Efficiency. Stroke [Internet]. 2017;48(4):1011–9.DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.116.015790
- Geyh S, Cieza A, Schouten J, Dickson H, Frommelt P, Omar Z, et al. ICF Core Sets for stroke. JRehabil Med Suppl [Internet]. 2004;(44):135–41.
- Feigin VL, Roth GA, Naghavi M, Parmar P, Krishnamurthi R, Chugh S, et al. Global burden ofstroke and risk factors in 188 countries, during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the GlobalBurden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet Neurol [Internet]. 2016;15(9):913–24. DOI:10.1016/S1474-4422(16)30073-4
- Ovbiagele B, Nguyen-Huynh MN. Stroke Epidemiology: Advancing Our Understanding ofDisease Mechanism and Therapy. Neurotherapeutics [Internet]. 2011;8(3):319 29.
- Machado Cartagena A. Colombia rural: Razones para la esperanza [Internet]. Informe Nacionalde Desarrollo Humano2011. 2011. 440 p.
- Huenchuan Sandra. Los derechos de las personas mayores. Materiales de estudio y divulgación.Hacia un cambio de paradigma sobre el envejecimiento y la vejez. 2011;20.
- González-celis Ana C PA. Calidad de vida y estrategias de afrontamiento ante problemas yenfermedades en ancianos. 2006.
- González Quiñones JC. Resumen: “Sabe Colombia 2015: Estudio Nacional de Salud, Bienestary Envejecimiento”. Cart Comunitaria [Internet]. 2017;25(144):24.
- Dulcey Ruiz E, Arrubla D, Sanabria P. Envejecimiento y vejez en Colombia [Internet]. Vol. 6,Profamilia Colombia.2013.
- Fekadu G, Chelkeba L, Kebede A. Retraction Note: Risk factors, clinical presentations andpredictors of stroke among adult patients admitted to stroke unit of Jimma university medicalcenter, south west Ethiopia: Prospective observational study (BMC Neurology (2019) 19 (183)DOI:10.118. BMC Neurol [Internet]. 2019;19(1):1–12.
- Ader J, Wu J, Fonarow GC, Smith EE, Shah S, Xian Y, et al. Hospital distance, socioeconomicstatus, and timely treatment of ischemic stroke. Neurology [Internet]. 2019;93(8):e747–57.
- Moreno E, Rodríguez J, Bayona-Ortiz H. Trombólisis endovenosa como tratamiento del ACVisquémico agudo en Colombia: una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Acta Neurológica Colomb[Internet]. 2019;35(3):156–66.
- Tizón García JL. A propósito del modelo biopsicosocial, 28 años después: Epistemología,política, emociones y contratransferencia. Aten Primaria [Internet]. 2007;39(2):93-7.
- Torres-Arreola LDP, Valenzuela-Flores AA, Villa-Barragán JP. [Characterization of strokepatients attended at IMSS hospitals in Mexico City]. Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc [Internet].56(1):18–25.
- Pintado B. Factores asociados a enfermedad cerebrovascular en pacientes que acuden alhospital de especialidades Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón, Guayaquil." [Internet]. Archivos Venezolanosde Farmacología y Terapéutica37.3 (2018): 270-274. 2018. 270–273 p.
- Pradilla A. G, Vesga A. BE, León-Sarmiento FE. Estudio neuroepidemiológico nacional(EPINEURO) colombiano. Rev Panam Salud Pública [Internet]. 2003;14(2):104–11.
- Di Carlo A, Lamassa M, Baldereschi M, Pracucci G, Basile AM, Wolfe CDA, et al. Sex differencesin the clinical presentation, resource use, and 3-month outcome of acute stroke in Europe: Datafrom a multicenter multinational hospital-based registry. Stroke [Internet]. 2003;34(5):1114–9.
- Morales-Plaza CD, Aguirre-Castañeda C, Machado-Alba JE. Predictors of stroke mortality in theHospital Universitario San Jorge of Pereira (Colombia). Salud Uninorte [Internet]. 2016;32(1):56–64.
- Castañeda-Guarderas A, Beltrán-Ale G, Casma-Bustamante R, Ruiz-Grosso P, Málaga G.Registry of patients with stroke stated in a public hospital of Peru, 2000-2009. Rev Peru Med ExpSalud Publica [Internet]. 2011;28(4):623–7.
- Seitz RJ, Höflich P, Binkofski F, Tellmann L, Herzog H, Freund HJ. Role of the premotor cortexin recovery from middle cerebral artery infarction. Arch Neurol [Internet]. 1998;55(8):1081–8.
- González RP, Luis G, Miranda H, Caridad Y De. Caracterización clínica-epidemiológica de laenfermedad cerebrovascular en el adulto mayor. Rev Ciencias Médicas Pinar del Río [Internet].2015;19(6):0–0.
- A. Arauz AR-F. Enfermedad vascular cerebral. Rev Mex Neurocienc [Internet]. 2006;7(6):617–21.
- Marengoni A, Angleman S, Meinow B, Santoni G, Mangialasche F, Rizzuto D, et al. Coexistingchronic conditions in the older population: Variation by health indicators. Eur J Intern Med[Internet]. 2016;31:29–34.
- Abanto C, Ton TGN, Tirschwell DL, Montano S, Quispe Y, Gonzales I, et al. Predictors offunctional outcome among stroke patients in Lima, Peru. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis [Internet].2013;22(7):1156–62.
- Barlas RS, Clark AB, Bettencourt-Silva JH, Sawanyawisuth K, Kongbunkiat K, Kasemsap N, et al.Pneumonia and Risk of Serious Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized Strokes in Thailand. J StrokeCerebrovasc Dis [Internet]. 2019;28(6):1448–54.
- Ge Y, Wang Q, Wang L, Wu H, Peng C, Wang J, et al. Predicting post-stroke pneumonia usingdeep neural network approaches. Int J Med Inform [Internet]. 2019;132(September):103986.
- Wang ZY, Chen JM, Ni GX. Effect of an indwelling nasogastric tube on swallowing function inelderly post-stroke dysphagia patients with long-term nasal feeding. BMC Neurol [Internet].2019;19(1):1–8.
- Rozo A, Mendoza AM. Impacto funcional del evento cerebro vascular en los pacientes delHospital Militar Central entre octubre de 2010 y mayo de 2011. Rev Colomb Med Física y Rehabil[Internet]. 2012;22(1):49–57.
- Carvalho-Pinto BPB, Faria CDCM. Health, function and disability in stroke patients in thecommunity. Brazilian J Phys Ther [Internet]. 2016;20(4):355–66.
- Ferri CP, Schoenborn C, Kalra L, Acosta D, Guerra M, Huang Y, et al. Prevalence of stroke andrelated burden among older people living in Latin America, India and China. J Neurol NeurosurgPsychiatry [Internet]. 2011;82(10):1074–82.
- Gómez-Galindo AM, Peñas-Felizzola OL, Parra-Esquivel EI. Caracterización y condiciones delos cuidadores de personas con discapacidad severa en Bogotá. Rev Salud Publica [Internet].2016;18(3):367–78.
- Ley de estabilidad laboral reforzada para personas que tengan a su cargo el cuidado y / omanutención de personas en condición de discapacidad Proyecto de Ley No . 062 DE 2014 Pormedio de la cual se implementan medidas de estabilidad reforzada para perso. 2014;(062)
World Health Organization. International classification of functioning, disability, and health -children and youth version [Internet].2011. 1–371 p.
Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social C-. Guía de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico y manejodel episodio agudo del Ataque Cerebrovascular [Internet]. Vol. 62, Guia N° 54 de 2015.
Saposnik G, Del Brutto OH. Stroke in South America: A systematic review of incidence,prevalence, and stroke subtypes. Stroke [Internet]. 2003;34(9):2103 7.
Shahla ND, Ardashir A, Yaghoub P. The Effect of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation(PNF) on Activities of Daily Living of Client with Cerebrovascular Accident. World Fam MedJournal/Middle East J Fam Med [Internet]. 2017;15(7):154–8. on ADL.pdf
Cheng YD, Al-Khoury L, Zivin JA. Neuroprotection for Ischemic Stroke: Two Decades of Successand Failure. NeuroRx [Internet]. 2004;1(1):36–45.
Kalra L. The influence of stroke unit rehabilitation on functional recovery from stroke. Stroke[Internet]. 1994;25(4):821–5. DOI: 10.1161/01.STR.25.4.821
Langhorne P, Bernhardt J, Kwakkel G. Stroke rehabilitation. Lancet [Internet].2011;377(9778):1693–702. Disponible en: DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60325-5
Stinear CM, Byblow WD, Ackerley SJ, Barber PA, Smith MC. Predicting Recovery Potential forIndividual Stroke Patients Increases Rehabilitation Efficiency. Stroke [Internet]. 2017;48(4):1011–9.DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.116.015790
Geyh S, Cieza A, Schouten J, Dickson H, Frommelt P, Omar Z, et al. ICF Core Sets for stroke. JRehabil Med Suppl [Internet]. 2004;(44):135–41.
Feigin VL, Roth GA, Naghavi M, Parmar P, Krishnamurthi R, Chugh S, et al. Global burden ofstroke and risk factors in 188 countries, during 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the GlobalBurden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet Neurol [Internet]. 2016;15(9):913–24. DOI:10.1016/S1474-4422(16)30073-4
Ovbiagele B, Nguyen-Huynh MN. Stroke Epidemiology: Advancing Our Understanding ofDisease Mechanism and Therapy. Neurotherapeutics [Internet]. 2011;8(3):319 29.
Machado Cartagena A. Colombia rural: Razones para la esperanza [Internet]. Informe Nacionalde Desarrollo Humano2011. 2011. 440 p.
Huenchuan Sandra. Los derechos de las personas mayores. Materiales de estudio y divulgación.Hacia un cambio de paradigma sobre el envejecimiento y la vejez. 2011;20.
González-celis Ana C PA. Calidad de vida y estrategias de afrontamiento ante problemas yenfermedades en ancianos. 2006.
González Quiñones JC. Resumen: “Sabe Colombia 2015: Estudio Nacional de Salud, Bienestary Envejecimiento”. Cart Comunitaria [Internet]. 2017;25(144):24.
Dulcey Ruiz E, Arrubla D, Sanabria P. Envejecimiento y vejez en Colombia [Internet]. Vol. 6,Profamilia Colombia.2013.
Fekadu G, Chelkeba L, Kebede A. Retraction Note: Risk factors, clinical presentations andpredictors of stroke among adult patients admitted to stroke unit of Jimma university medicalcenter, south west Ethiopia: Prospective observational study (BMC Neurology (2019) 19 (183)DOI:10.118. BMC Neurol [Internet]. 2019;19(1):1–12.
Ader J, Wu J, Fonarow GC, Smith EE, Shah S, Xian Y, et al. Hospital distance, socioeconomicstatus, and timely treatment of ischemic stroke. Neurology [Internet]. 2019;93(8):e747–57.
Moreno E, Rodríguez J, Bayona-Ortiz H. Trombólisis endovenosa como tratamiento del ACVisquémico agudo en Colombia: una revisión sistemática de la literatura. Acta Neurológica Colomb[Internet]. 2019;35(3):156–66.
Tizón García JL. A propósito del modelo biopsicosocial, 28 años después: Epistemología,política, emociones y contratransferencia. Aten Primaria [Internet]. 2007;39(2):93-7.
Torres-Arreola LDP, Valenzuela-Flores AA, Villa-Barragán JP. [Characterization of strokepatients attended at IMSS hospitals in Mexico City]. Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc [Internet].56(1):18–25.
Pintado B. Factores asociados a enfermedad cerebrovascular en pacientes que acuden alhospital de especialidades Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón, Guayaquil." [Internet]. Archivos Venezolanosde Farmacología y Terapéutica37.3 (2018): 270-274. 2018. 270–273 p.
Pradilla A. G, Vesga A. BE, León-Sarmiento FE. Estudio neuroepidemiológico nacional(EPINEURO) colombiano. Rev Panam Salud Pública [Internet]. 2003;14(2):104–11.
Di Carlo A, Lamassa M, Baldereschi M, Pracucci G, Basile AM, Wolfe CDA, et al. Sex differencesin the clinical presentation, resource use, and 3-month outcome of acute stroke in Europe: Datafrom a multicenter multinational hospital-based registry. Stroke [Internet]. 2003;34(5):1114–9.
Morales-Plaza CD, Aguirre-Castañeda C, Machado-Alba JE. Predictors of stroke mortality in theHospital Universitario San Jorge of Pereira (Colombia). Salud Uninorte [Internet]. 2016;32(1):56–64.
Castañeda-Guarderas A, Beltrán-Ale G, Casma-Bustamante R, Ruiz-Grosso P, Málaga G.Registry of patients with stroke stated in a public hospital of Peru, 2000-2009. Rev Peru Med ExpSalud Publica [Internet]. 2011;28(4):623–7.
Seitz RJ, Höflich P, Binkofski F, Tellmann L, Herzog H, Freund HJ. Role of the premotor cortexin recovery from middle cerebral artery infarction. Arch Neurol [Internet]. 1998;55(8):1081–8.
González RP, Luis G, Miranda H, Caridad Y De. Caracterización clínica-epidemiológica de laenfermedad cerebrovascular en el adulto mayor. Rev Ciencias Médicas Pinar del Río [Internet].2015;19(6):0–0.
A. Arauz AR-F. Enfermedad vascular cerebral. Rev Mex Neurocienc [Internet]. 2006;7(6):617–21.
Marengoni A, Angleman S, Meinow B, Santoni G, Mangialasche F, Rizzuto D, et al. Coexistingchronic conditions in the older population: Variation by health indicators. Eur J Intern Med[Internet]. 2016;31:29–34.
Abanto C, Ton TGN, Tirschwell DL, Montano S, Quispe Y, Gonzales I, et al. Predictors offunctional outcome among stroke patients in Lima, Peru. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis [Internet].2013;22(7):1156–62.
Barlas RS, Clark AB, Bettencourt-Silva JH, Sawanyawisuth K, Kongbunkiat K, Kasemsap N, et al.Pneumonia and Risk of Serious Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized Strokes in Thailand. J StrokeCerebrovasc Dis [Internet]. 2019;28(6):1448–54.
Ge Y, Wang Q, Wang L, Wu H, Peng C, Wang J, et al. Predicting post-stroke pneumonia usingdeep neural network approaches. Int J Med Inform [Internet]. 2019;132(September):103986.
Wang ZY, Chen JM, Ni GX. Effect of an indwelling nasogastric tube on swallowing function inelderly post-stroke dysphagia patients with long-term nasal feeding. BMC Neurol [Internet].2019;19(1):1–8.
Rozo A, Mendoza AM. Impacto funcional del evento cerebro vascular en los pacientes delHospital Militar Central entre octubre de 2010 y mayo de 2011. Rev Colomb Med Física y Rehabil[Internet]. 2012;22(1):49–57.
Carvalho-Pinto BPB, Faria CDCM. Health, function and disability in stroke patients in thecommunity. Brazilian J Phys Ther [Internet]. 2016;20(4):355–66.
Ferri CP, Schoenborn C, Kalra L, Acosta D, Guerra M, Huang Y, et al. Prevalence of stroke andrelated burden among older people living in Latin America, India and China. J Neurol NeurosurgPsychiatry [Internet]. 2011;82(10):1074–82.
Gómez-Galindo AM, Peñas-Felizzola OL, Parra-Esquivel EI. Caracterización y condiciones delos cuidadores de personas con discapacidad severa en Bogotá. Rev Salud Publica [Internet].2016;18(3):367–78.
Ley de estabilidad laboral reforzada para personas que tengan a su cargo el cuidado y / omanutención de personas en condición de discapacidad Proyecto de Ley No . 062 DE 2014 Pormedio de la cual se implementan medidas de estabilidad reforzada para perso. 2014;(062)