Copyright (c) 2022 Magda Viviana Monroy Silva, Christian Ricardo Zea Forero, Linda Lorena Narváez Zabala

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The relationship of grip strength and seniority in the occupation of a group of workers in the industrial sector in the Bogota city
Corresponding Author(s) : Magda Viviana Monroy Silva
Ciencia e Innovación en Salud,
Intoduction: The objective of this article is to establish the relationship of grip strength and seniority in the occupation of a group of workers in the industrial sector in the city of Bogotá. Methods: A cross-sectional, quantitative and correlational study was carried out in different companies in the industrial sector of the city of Bogotá, applying a standardized protocol for measuring grip force with a Jamar hydraulic dynamometer. The population was represented by 99 people, where 85 met the inclusion criteria, including 24 women and 61 men. Multiple linear regression was applied to analyze the correlation between maximum hand grip strength with age, gender and length of service. Results: A statistically significant relationship was identified between gender and hand grip strength, with P=1. 56E-15 for right hand grip strength and P=7.73E-11 for left hand grip strength. Length of occupation and age did not report a statistically significant influence on the intensity of grip strength in either hand. Conclusions: A direct relationship was found between gender and intensity of hand grip strength, and an inversely proportional relationship between age and hand grip strength. No statistically significant influence was found between seniority in occupation and hand grip strength
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- Vargas-Porras C, Roa-Díaz Z, Hernández-Hincapié H, Ferré-Grau C, De Molina-Fernández M. Adaptación cultural, validez y confiabilidad de la escala de Adopción del Rol Materno en Colombia. Ciencia e Innovación en Salud. 2020. e70:1-19. DOI:10.17081/innosa.70
- Reales C, Monroy Silva MV, Zea Forero CR. Protocolo para la medición de la fuerza máxima de agarre: Una revisión sistemática. In: Serna E, editor. Investigación Formativa en Ingeniería [Internet]. 3ra ed. Medellin, Colombia: Editorial Instituto Antioqueño de Investigación; 2019. p. 254–65. Available from:
Burke RJ, Clarke S, Cooper CL. Occupational Health and Safety [Internet]. Burke RJ, Clarke S, Cooper CL, editors. Great Britain: Gower Publishing Limited; 2011. 393 p. Available from: Health and Safety burke&f=false
Organización Internacional del Trabajo. Seguridad y salud en el centro del futuro del trabajo. Aprovechar 100 años de experiencia [Internet]. Sistema de Gestión. 2019. 86 p. Available from:
Seguridad y salud en el trabajo (Seguridad y salud en el trabajo) [Internet]. [cited 2021 Apr 9]. Available from:
Arango A. Resolucion 0312 de 2019 Estandares Mínimos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo SG-SST [Internet]. 13 De Febrero. Ministerio del trabajo; 2019. p. 46. Available from:
Pino Castillo S, Ponce Bravo G. Comportamiento de la enfermedad laboral en Colombia 2015-2017 [Internet]. Vol. 175, Revista Fasecolda. 2019. Available from:
Romero R, Carolina D, García D, Eduardo A. Evaluación de riesgo biomecánico y percepción de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en administrativos de una universidad Bogotá (Colombia). Investig Andin [Internet]. 2015;17(31):1284–99. Available from:
Castro E, Múnera J, Sanmartín M, Valencia N, Valencia Gil N, González E. Efectos de un programa de pausas activas sobre la percepción de desórdenes músculo-esqueléticos en trabajadores de la Universidad de Antioquia. Educ física y Deport [Internet]. 2011;30(1):389–99. Available from:
Wimer B, Dong RG, Welcome DE, Warren C, McDowell TW. Development of a new dynamometer for measuring grip strength applied on a cylindrical handle. Med Eng Phys [Internet]. 2009;31(6):695–704. Available from:
García García Ó, Serrano Gómez V. La fuerza: ¿una capacidad al servicio del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las habilidades motoras básicas y las habilidades deportivas específicas Strenght: an ability to service of process of teaching-learning of basic motor skills and sport specific. Rev Investig en Educ [Internet]. 2010;(8):108–16. Available from:
Weinstock-Zlotnick G, Bear-Lehman J, Yu TY. A test case: Does the availability of visual feedback impact grip strength scores when using a digital dynamometer? J Hand Ther [Internet]. 2011;24(3):266–76. Available from:
Sartorio A, Lafortuna CL, Pogliaghi S, Trecate L. The impact of gender, body dimension and body composition on hand-grip strength in healthy children. J Endocrinol Invest [Internet]. 2002;25(5):431–5. Available from:
Conforto I, Samir C, Chausse F, Goldstein A, Pereira B, Coudeyre E. Comparison of psychometric properties between the Labin, a new electronic dynamometer, and the Jamar: Preliminary results in healthy subjects. Hand Surg Rehabil [Internet]. 2019;38(5):293–7. Available from:
Guerra R, Amaral T, Sousa A, Fonseca I, Pichel F, Restivo M. Comparison of Jamar and Bodygrip Dynamometers for Handgrip Strength Measurement. J Strength Cond Res [Internet]. 2017;31(7):1–3. Available from:
Amo-Setién FJ, Leal-Costa C, Abajas-Bustillo R, González-Lamuño D, Redondo-Figuero C. Factors associated with grip strength among adolescents: An observational study. J Hand Ther [Internet]. 2020;33(1):96–102. Available from:
Noh NM, Kadri NA, Usman J. Development of Arduino-Based Hand Dynamometer Assistive Device. J Mech Med Biol [Internet]. 2016;16(3):1–14. Available from:
Bowen IJ, Mendoza de Sosa D. Valores de la fuerza de la mano en adultos sanos. Boletín Médico Postgrado UCLA Decano Med Barquisimeto - Venez. 2001;XVII.
Ramírez Muñoz PC, Angarita Fonseca A. Fuerza de agarre en trabajadores sanos de Manizales. Rev Colomb Rehabil [Internet]. 2017;8(1):109. Available from:
Ramírez-Vélez R, Rincón-Pabón D, Correa-Bautista JE, García-Hermoso A, Izquierdo M. Handgrip strength: Normative reference values in males and females aged 6–64 Years old in a Colombian population. Clin Nutr ESPEN [Internet]. 2021;44:379–86. Available from:
Adedoyin RA, Ogundapo FA, Mbada CE, Adekanla BA, Johnson OE, Onigbinde TA, et al. Reference Values for Handgrip Strength Among Healthy Adults in Nigeria. Hong Kong Physiother J [Internet]. 2009;27(1):21–9. Available from:
Merchaoui I, Bouzgarrou L, Mnasri A, Mghanem M, Akrout M, Malchaire J, et al. Influence of shift work on the physical work capacity of Tunisian nurses: a cross-sectional study in two university hospitals. Pan Afr Med J [Internet]. 2017;26(59):1–10. Available from:
Gutierrez CM, Cotes ML. Programa fisioterapéutico para prevenir la aparición del síndrome de túnel del carpo en operarios de costura. Umbral Científico [Internet]. 2006;9:20–32. Available from:
Vargas-Porras C, Roa-Díaz Z, Hernández-Hincapié H, Ferré-Grau C, De Molina-Fernández M. Adaptación cultural, validez y confiabilidad de la escala de Adopción del Rol Materno en Colombia. Ciencia e Innovación en Salud. 2020. e70:1-19. DOI:10.17081/innosa.70
Reales C, Monroy Silva MV, Zea Forero CR. Protocolo para la medición de la fuerza máxima de agarre: Una revisión sistemática. In: Serna E, editor. Investigación Formativa en Ingeniería [Internet]. 3ra ed. Medellin, Colombia: Editorial Instituto Antioqueño de Investigación; 2019. p. 254–65. Available from: