Derechos de autor 2022 Liliya Allanina

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El derecho de uso del subsuelo en Rusia: desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días
Corresponding Author(s) : Liliya Mansurovna Allanina
Vol. 27 Núm. 41 (2022): Enero-Junio
El artículo está dedicado a analizar el derecho de uso del subsuelo en Rusia, desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días. El autor lleva a cabo un análisis de la legislación que regula la formación, la modificación y la terminación del derecho de uso del subsuelo, así como de la literatura científica y los procedimientos de aplicación establecidos, identificando los problemas actuales y proponiendo formas de resolverlos. La base del estudio se encuentra constituida por documentos oficiales expedidos por los órganos autorizados para supervisar las actividades de los usuarios del subsuelo, los proyectos de ley, los laudos de arbitraje judicial, así como la práctica de concesión de licencias, entre otros. La base jurídica del trabajo la conforman leyes y actos administrativos de la Rusia prerrevolucionaria, la URSS, la Federación de Rusia, las entidades constitutivas de la Federación de Rusia y la legislación internacional relativa a la regulación del uso del subsuelo.
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Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS)BibTeX
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- Dydynskii, F. M. (1896). Latinsko-russkii slovar k istochnikam rimskogo prava [The Latin-Russian dictionary to the sources of the Roman law]. Tipografiya K. Kovalevskogo.
- Eikhvald, E. I. (1856). O chudskikh kopyakh [On the Chud pits].
- Hegel, G. W. F. (1990). Filosofiya prava [Philosophy of Law].
- Hutahayan, B., Panjaitan, H., & Ringo, P. S. (2020). Investor protection in mining law in Indonesia. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(13), 796–801. DOI:
- Jhering, R. von. (1874-1878). Geist des römischen rechts, auf den verschiedenen stufen seiner entwicklung. Breitkopf und Härtel.
- Khabakov, A. V. (1950). Ocherki po istorii geologorazvedochnykh znanii v Rossii [An outline of the Russian history of geological surveys]. Part 1.
- Levitskii, L. P. (1941). O drevnikh rudnikakh [On ancient mines].
- Logan, T. J. (2010). Carbon Down Under – Lessons from Australia: Two Recommendations for Clarifying Subsurface Property Rights to Facilitate Onshore Geologic Carbon Sequestration in the United States. San Diego International Law Journal, 11(2), 561–599.
- Makhmudova, G., & Matsui, K. (2019). “The remediation policy after mining works in the Kyrgyz Republic.” Resources Policy, 61, 304–310. DOI:
- Muromtsev, S. A. (1883). Grazhdanskoe pravo drevnego Rima [The civil law of Ancient Rome]. Tipografiya A. Mamontova i K.
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- Proekt Federalnogo zakona N 1027743-7 “O federalnom byudzhete na 2021 god i na planovyi period 2022 i 2023 godov” [Draft Federal Law No. 1027743-7 “On the Federal Budget for 2021 and for the Planning Period of 2022 and 2023”].
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- Sagynbekova, G., Allanina, L. M., Babaeva, Z. S., Dzhabrailova, N. D., & Gaybatova, K. D. (2018). State-legal regulation of foreign investment: International experience. Opcion, 34(85), 840–853.
- Sandberg, H. (2004). Three-Dimensional Partition and Registration of Subsurface Land Space. Israel Law Review. DOI:
- Shtaermanm, E. M. (1998). Pamyatniki rimskogo prava: Yulii Pavel. Pyat knig sententsii k synu; Fragmenty Domitsiya Ulpiana [Monuments of the Roman law: Julius Paulus. Five Books of the Sententiae addressed to his son; Abstracts by Domitius Ulpianus].
- Stoter, J. E. (2004). 3D Cadastre. Delft University of Technology. DOI:
- Svod zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii [Collection of laws of the Russian Empire]. Book 2. Volume 5-9. (1910).
- Svod zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii [Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire]. Volume 10. Part 1. Book 2. Article 403. (1912).
- Vachtlová, M., Urbanec, V., Lapčík, V., & Lapčík, M. (2019). The issue of regional reserves for mineral extraction in the Czech Republic and its legal context. Inzynieria Mineralna, 2, 15–18.
Dernburg, H. (1905). Pandekty. Tom 1. Chast 2: Veshchnoe pravo [Pandekten. Volume 1. Part 2: Erbrecht].
Dydynskii, F. M. (1896). Latinsko-russkii slovar k istochnikam rimskogo prava [The Latin-Russian dictionary to the sources of the Roman law]. Tipografiya K. Kovalevskogo.
Eikhvald, E. I. (1856). O chudskikh kopyakh [On the Chud pits].
Hegel, G. W. F. (1990). Filosofiya prava [Philosophy of Law].
Hutahayan, B., Panjaitan, H., & Ringo, P. S. (2020). Investor protection in mining law in Indonesia. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(13), 796–801. DOI:
Jhering, R. von. (1874-1878). Geist des römischen rechts, auf den verschiedenen stufen seiner entwicklung. Breitkopf und Härtel.
Khabakov, A. V. (1950). Ocherki po istorii geologorazvedochnykh znanii v Rossii [An outline of the Russian history of geological surveys]. Part 1.
Levitskii, L. P. (1941). O drevnikh rudnikakh [On ancient mines].
Logan, T. J. (2010). Carbon Down Under – Lessons from Australia: Two Recommendations for Clarifying Subsurface Property Rights to Facilitate Onshore Geologic Carbon Sequestration in the United States. San Diego International Law Journal, 11(2), 561–599.
Makhmudova, G., & Matsui, K. (2019). “The remediation policy after mining works in the Kyrgyz Republic.” Resources Policy, 61, 304–310. DOI:
Muromtsev, S. A. (1883). Grazhdanskoe pravo drevnego Rima [The civil law of Ancient Rome]. Tipografiya A. Mamontova i K.
Novgorodskaya pervaya letopis starshego i mladshego izvodov [The Novgorod First Chronicle: major and minor versions]. (1950).
Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei [The complete edition of Russian chronicles]. Volume 1. Articles 34, 51; Volume 2. Articles 23, 40, 59. (1908).
Polnoe Sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii [Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire]. Volume 29. 22208.
Polnoe Sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii [Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire]. Volume 5. 3464.
Proekt Federalnogo zakona N 1027743-7 “O federalnom byudzhete na 2021 god i na planovyi period 2022 i 2023 godov” [Draft Federal Law No. 1027743-7 “On the Federal Budget for 2021 and for the Planning Period of 2022 and 2023”].
Ptak, M., & Kazmierczak, U. (2019). Formal and Legal Regulations Governing the Award of Concessions in Polish Open Pit Mining. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 221, 012144. DOI:
Rossiiskoe zakonodatelstvo X-XX vekov v 9-ti tomakh [The Russian legislation of the 10th-20th centuries in nine volumes]. Volume 4. Zakonodatelstvo perioda stanovleniya absolyutizma [The legislation in the period of emerging absolutism]. (1984). Yuridicheskaya literatura.
RSFSR. Sobranie uzakonenii [The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. The collection of laws]. 1921. 91. Article 481.
Sagynbekova, G., Allanina, L. M., Babaeva, Z. S., Dzhabrailova, N. D., & Gaybatova, K. D. (2018). State-legal regulation of foreign investment: International experience. Opcion, 34(85), 840–853.
Sandberg, H. (2004). Three-Dimensional Partition and Registration of Subsurface Land Space. Israel Law Review. DOI:
Shtaermanm, E. M. (1998). Pamyatniki rimskogo prava: Yulii Pavel. Pyat knig sententsii k synu; Fragmenty Domitsiya Ulpiana [Monuments of the Roman law: Julius Paulus. Five Books of the Sententiae addressed to his son; Abstracts by Domitius Ulpianus].
Stoter, J. E. (2004). 3D Cadastre. Delft University of Technology. DOI:
Svod zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii [Collection of laws of the Russian Empire]. Book 2. Volume 5-9. (1910).
Svod zakonov Rossiiskoi imperii [Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire]. Volume 10. Part 1. Book 2. Article 403. (1912).
Vachtlová, M., Urbanec, V., Lapčík, V., & Lapčík, M. (2019). The issue of regional reserves for mineral extraction in the Czech Republic and its legal context. Inzynieria Mineralna, 2, 15–18.