Derechos de autor 2022 Yevhen Leheza, Inna Yefimova, Viacheslav Harkusha, Nataliia Cherniak, Nina Holenko

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Experiencia extranjera de regulación legal de influencia ilegal en los resultados de las competiciones deportivas oficiales
Corresponding Author(s) : Yevhen Leheza
Vol. 27 Núm. 41 (2022): Enero-Junio
El propósito de la investigación está dedicado a la descripción criminológica y la explicación del estado de influencia ilegal en los resultados de las competiciones deportivas oficiales en Ucrania. Contenido principal. Un nivel ultra alto de latencia de los delitos según el art. Se encuentra 369-3 del Código Penal de Ucrania, que es al menos el 99% de su nivel real. La estructura del amaño de partidos fue revelada y analizada según el tipo de deporte, el método de influencia ilegal en los resultados de las competiciones deportivas oficiales, así como los sujetos de soborno. Se da la característica de las correspondientes unidades estructurales. Metodología: Investigación de materiales y métodos a partir del análisis de fuentes documentales. la base es el método dialéctico de conocimiento de los hechos de la realidad social, en el que se basan en gran medida los enfoques jurídico formal y jurídico comparativo. Conclusiones. El amaño de partidos delictivo más intenso se practica en deportes como el fútbol, el fútbol sala, el baloncesto y el voleibol. Entre las formas de incentivar a los deportistas a cometer actos ilícitos, predomina el soborno (75%). Aproximadamente al mismo nivel en términos de prevalencia con pequeñas fluctuaciones en el peso específico se encuentran estructuralmente formas de influir en los atletas como la incitación (10%), la conspiración (8%) y la coacción (7%). En general, la influencia ilegal sobre los resultados de las competiciones deportivas oficiales sobre el soborno se dirige directamente a los atletas. En total, la proporción de dicha influencia es del 78% con un ligero predominio del soborno de varios atletas (jugadores) de un equipo (40%) sobre el soborno de un jugador individual (38%). En segundo lugar en términos de clasificación - soborno de miembros del cuerpo técnico (10%). Luego, el soborno de jueces (5%), propietarios de clubes deportivos (5%), personal de apoyo de los clubes (2%).
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- Bird, E., & Wagner, G. (1997). Sport as a common property resource .Journal Conflict Resolution, 41, 749-766. Retrieved from: https: // DOI:
- Bordyugova G. Yu. (2015). How to punish a sports swindler. Legal Gazette. Online. № 6 (462). URL:
- Brooks, G., Aleem, A., & Button, M. (2013). Defining Fraud and Corruption in Sport. In: Fraud, Corruption and Sport. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from: DOI:
- Carpenter, K. (2012). Match-Fixing—the Biggest Threat to Sport in the 21st Century? International Sports Law Review 2(1), 13-24. Retrieved from:
- COVID-19 wreaks havoc on France, Ukraine and Portugal teams ahead of international fixtures. (2020, October 7). CGTN. Retrieved from:
- Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. (1999). Continent: Country Legislation: Retrieved from:
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- Criminal Code of Georgia. (1999). Retrieved from:
- Dawnay, O. (2019, June 6). Argentinalegend Diego Maradona says ‘Hand of God’ goal against England was ‘symbolic revenge’ for the Falklands War. Talksport. Retrieved from:
- Decker, W (1995). Sport in der griechischen Antike. Vom minoischen Wettkampj bis zu den Olympischen Spielen. [Sport in Greek antiquity. From the Minoan tournament to the Olympic Games]. Munchen: Beck.
- Gorse, S., & Chadwick, S. (2011). The prevalence of corruption in international sport: A statistical analysis. Coventry: Centre for the International Business of Sport. Retrieved from:
- Jabaloy, J. (2019, December 4). Spain — Global bribery offenses guide. Retrieved from:
- KEA. (2012). Match-fixing in sport: a mapping of criminal law provisions in EU 27. Study for the European Commission. Retrieved from:
- Keegan, M. (2014, September 17). Match-fixing: Council ofEurope set to introduce an anti-corruption treaty. BBC. Retrieved from:
- Kharytonov, E., Kharytonova, O., Kostruba, A., Tkalych, M., & Tolmachevska,Y. (2021). To the Peculiarities of Legal and Non-Legal Regulation of Social Relations in the Field of Sport. Retos, 41, 131-137. DOI: DOI:
- Kihl, L.A., Skinner, J., & Engelberg,T. (2017). Corruption in sport: understanding the complexity of corruption, European Sport Management Quarterly, 17(1), 1-5. DOI:10.1080/16184742.2016.1257553. DOI:
- Kryshevych O.V, & Savchenko, A.V (2017). Illegal influence on the results of official sports competitions: problematic issues of criminal liability. Retrieved from: https://bit.fy/36T7wC.
- Leheza, Yevhen. Savielieva, Maryna. Dzhafarova, Olena. 2018. "Structural and legal analysis of scientific activity regulation in developed countries". Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. Vol. 4 (3), pp. 147-157. Available online In: DOI: DOI:
- Leheza, Yevhen. Filipenko, Tatiana. Sokolenko, Olha. Darahan, Valerii, Kucherenko, Oleksii. 2020. Ensuring human rights in ukraine: problematic issues and ways of their solution in the social and legal sphere. Cuestiones
- políticas. Vol. 37 №º 64 (enero-junio 2020). P. 123-136. DOI: DOI:
- Maennig,W (2002). On the Economics of Doping and Corruption in International Sports. Journal of Sports Economics, 4, 61-89. DOI:
- Maennig,W (2005). Corruption in International Sports and Sport Management: Forms,Tendencies, Extent and Circumstances. European Sport Management Quarterly, 5(2), 187—225. DOI: 10.1080/16184740500188821. DOI:
- Masters, A. (2015). Corruption in sport: From the playing field to the field of Policy. Policy and Society, 34(2), 111-123. Retrieved from: DOI:
- Oliynyk, M.V, & Bashta, I.I. (2019). International experience in combating corruption in sports. Current issues of domestic jurisprudence, 2, 171-175. Retrieved from:
- Reid, I., & Zisserman, A. (1996). Goal-directedVideo Metrology. In R. Cipolla, B. Buxton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on ComputerVision, II, 647—658. NewYork: Springer. Retrieved from: DOI:
- Semenyuk, O., & Nemich, F. (2017). Unlawful influence on the results of official sports competitions by bribery. Entrepreneurship, economy and law, 5, 214-217. Retrieved from:
- Serby, T. (2015). The Council of Europe Convention on Manipulation of Sports Competitions: the best bet for the global fight against match-fixing? International Sports Law Journal, P. 83—100. Retrieved from: DOI:
- Serby, T. (2017). Sports Corruption: Sporting Autonomy, Lex Sportiva and the Rule of Law. Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, 15(2), 1—9. Retrieved from: DOI:
- Sokurenko, V.V. (2019). Criminological analysis of the illegal state influence on the results of official sports competitions in Ukraine. European perspectives. №. 3. P. 114–120.
- The Kingdom of Spain. (1995). Criminal Code. Retrieved from: 2013_en.pdf.
- The United States Department of Justice (US DoJ). (2015, May 27). Nine FIFA Officials and Five Corporate Executives Indicted for Racketeering Conspiracy and Corruption. Retrieved from:
- Thomas, K. (2014, June 5). Keeping an eye on the ball. SPIE Newsroom. DOI:10.1117/2.2201406.01. DOI:
- Tkalych, M., Davydova, I., & Tolmachevska, Y. (2020). Current State and Prospects of Development of the Sports System of Ukraine: Legal Aspects. Retos, 38, 385-389. Retrieved from DOI: DOI:
- Tkalych, M., Safonchyk, O., & Tolmachevska, Y. (2020). Private Law and human rights: New realities. DIXI, 32, 1-12. DOI: DOI:
- Transparency International. (2016). Global Corruption Report: Sport. NewYork: Routledge. DOI:
- Ukraine. (1984). Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses. Retrieved from: https:/ /
- Ukraine. (2001). Criminal code of Ukraine. Retrieved from:
- Ukraine. (2014). On the prevention of corruption. Retrieved from:
- Ukraine. (2015). On prevention ofinfluence of corruption offenses on results of official sports competitions. Retrieved from: https: / /
- Ukraine. (2019). A multimillion-dollar scam has been revealed in a Ukrainian club. Apostrophe. URL: / 160142
- Ukraine. (2019). Baranka told how much money. The sums earned on contract matches are a fantastic amount. Football 24. URL:
- Ukraine. (2019). The National Police recorded 50 cases of "contractual matches" / National Police of Ukraine. URL:
- United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime, & International Olympic Committee (UNODC & IOC). (2016). Study on Criminal Law Provisions for the Prosecution of Competition Manipulation. Retrieved from:
- Verbytsky I.O. (2017). How bookmakers destroy Ukrainian sports. URL:
- Yilmaz, S., Manoli, A.E., &Antonopoulos, G.A. (2019).An anatomy ofTurkish football match-fixing. Trends in Organized Crime, 22, 375—393. Retrieved from: DOI:
- Zadoya, K.P (2015). Scientific and practical commentary to Article 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine «IUegal influence on the results of official sports competitions». Law and civil society, 2(11), 146-157. Retrieved from:
Bird, E., & Wagner, G. (1997). Sport as a common property resource .Journal Conflict Resolution, 41, 749-766. Retrieved from: https: // DOI:
Bordyugova G. Yu. (2015). How to punish a sports swindler. Legal Gazette. Online. № 6 (462). URL:
Brooks, G., Aleem, A., & Button, M. (2013). Defining Fraud and Corruption in Sport. In: Fraud, Corruption and Sport. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from: DOI:
Carpenter, K. (2012). Match-Fixing—the Biggest Threat to Sport in the 21st Century? International Sports Law Review 2(1), 13-24. Retrieved from:
COVID-19 wreaks havoc on France, Ukraine and Portugal teams ahead of international fixtures. (2020, October 7). CGTN. Retrieved from:
Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. (1999). Continent: Country Legislation: Retrieved from:
Criminal Code of Armenia. Legislationline: (2003). Retrieved from:
Criminal Code of Georgia. (1999). Retrieved from:
Dawnay, O. (2019, June 6). Argentinalegend Diego Maradona says ‘Hand of God’ goal against England was ‘symbolic revenge’ for the Falklands War. Talksport. Retrieved from:
Decker, W (1995). Sport in der griechischen Antike. Vom minoischen Wettkampj bis zu den Olympischen Spielen. [Sport in Greek antiquity. From the Minoan tournament to the Olympic Games]. Munchen: Beck.
Gorse, S., & Chadwick, S. (2011). The prevalence of corruption in international sport: A statistical analysis. Coventry: Centre for the International Business of Sport. Retrieved from:
Jabaloy, J. (2019, December 4). Spain — Global bribery offenses guide. Retrieved from:
KEA. (2012). Match-fixing in sport: a mapping of criminal law provisions in EU 27. Study for the European Commission. Retrieved from:
Keegan, M. (2014, September 17). Match-fixing: Council ofEurope set to introduce an anti-corruption treaty. BBC. Retrieved from:
Kharytonov, E., Kharytonova, O., Kostruba, A., Tkalych, M., & Tolmachevska,Y. (2021). To the Peculiarities of Legal and Non-Legal Regulation of Social Relations in the Field of Sport. Retos, 41, 131-137. DOI: DOI:
Kihl, L.A., Skinner, J., & Engelberg,T. (2017). Corruption in sport: understanding the complexity of corruption, European Sport Management Quarterly, 17(1), 1-5. DOI:10.1080/16184742.2016.1257553. DOI:
Kryshevych O.V, & Savchenko, A.V (2017). Illegal influence on the results of official sports competitions: problematic issues of criminal liability. Retrieved from: https://bit.fy/36T7wC.
Leheza, Yevhen. Savielieva, Maryna. Dzhafarova, Olena. 2018. "Structural and legal analysis of scientific activity regulation in developed countries". Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. Vol. 4 (3), pp. 147-157. Available online In: DOI: DOI:
Leheza, Yevhen. Filipenko, Tatiana. Sokolenko, Olha. Darahan, Valerii, Kucherenko, Oleksii. 2020. Ensuring human rights in ukraine: problematic issues and ways of their solution in the social and legal sphere. Cuestiones
políticas. Vol. 37 №º 64 (enero-junio 2020). P. 123-136. DOI: DOI:
Maennig,W (2002). On the Economics of Doping and Corruption in International Sports. Journal of Sports Economics, 4, 61-89. DOI:
Maennig,W (2005). Corruption in International Sports and Sport Management: Forms,Tendencies, Extent and Circumstances. European Sport Management Quarterly, 5(2), 187—225. DOI: 10.1080/16184740500188821. DOI:
Masters, A. (2015). Corruption in sport: From the playing field to the field of Policy. Policy and Society, 34(2), 111-123. Retrieved from: DOI:
Oliynyk, M.V, & Bashta, I.I. (2019). International experience in combating corruption in sports. Current issues of domestic jurisprudence, 2, 171-175. Retrieved from:
Reid, I., & Zisserman, A. (1996). Goal-directedVideo Metrology. In R. Cipolla, B. Buxton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on ComputerVision, II, 647—658. NewYork: Springer. Retrieved from: DOI:
Semenyuk, O., & Nemich, F. (2017). Unlawful influence on the results of official sports competitions by bribery. Entrepreneurship, economy and law, 5, 214-217. Retrieved from:
Serby, T. (2015). The Council of Europe Convention on Manipulation of Sports Competitions: the best bet for the global fight against match-fixing? International Sports Law Journal, P. 83—100. Retrieved from: DOI:
Serby, T. (2017). Sports Corruption: Sporting Autonomy, Lex Sportiva and the Rule of Law. Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, 15(2), 1—9. Retrieved from: DOI:
Sokurenko, V.V. (2019). Criminological analysis of the illegal state influence on the results of official sports competitions in Ukraine. European perspectives. №. 3. P. 114–120.
The Kingdom of Spain. (1995). Criminal Code. Retrieved from: 2013_en.pdf.
The United States Department of Justice (US DoJ). (2015, May 27). Nine FIFA Officials and Five Corporate Executives Indicted for Racketeering Conspiracy and Corruption. Retrieved from:
Thomas, K. (2014, June 5). Keeping an eye on the ball. SPIE Newsroom. DOI:10.1117/2.2201406.01. DOI:
Tkalych, M., Davydova, I., & Tolmachevska, Y. (2020). Current State and Prospects of Development of the Sports System of Ukraine: Legal Aspects. Retos, 38, 385-389. Retrieved from DOI: DOI:
Tkalych, M., Safonchyk, O., & Tolmachevska, Y. (2020). Private Law and human rights: New realities. DIXI, 32, 1-12. DOI: DOI:
Transparency International. (2016). Global Corruption Report: Sport. NewYork: Routledge. DOI:
Ukraine. (1984). Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses. Retrieved from: https:/ /
Ukraine. (2001). Criminal code of Ukraine. Retrieved from:
Ukraine. (2014). On the prevention of corruption. Retrieved from:
Ukraine. (2015). On prevention ofinfluence of corruption offenses on results of official sports competitions. Retrieved from: https: / /
Ukraine. (2019). A multimillion-dollar scam has been revealed in a Ukrainian club. Apostrophe. URL: / 160142
Ukraine. (2019). Baranka told how much money. The sums earned on contract matches are a fantastic amount. Football 24. URL:
Ukraine. (2019). The National Police recorded 50 cases of "contractual matches" / National Police of Ukraine. URL:
United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime, & International Olympic Committee (UNODC & IOC). (2016). Study on Criminal Law Provisions for the Prosecution of Competition Manipulation. Retrieved from:
Verbytsky I.O. (2017). How bookmakers destroy Ukrainian sports. URL:
Yilmaz, S., Manoli, A.E., &Antonopoulos, G.A. (2019).An anatomy ofTurkish football match-fixing. Trends in Organized Crime, 22, 375—393. Retrieved from: DOI:
Zadoya, K.P (2015). Scientific and practical commentary to Article 369-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine «IUegal influence on the results of official sports competitions». Law and civil society, 2(11), 146-157. Retrieved from: