Impact of pedagogical reflection in the teaching practicum from Caquetá practitioners´perspective: a literature review



Palabras clave:

English language teaching, pedagogical reflection, practitioners, today world, transformative teaching


Objective: to take a deep look at the pedagogical reflection experienced in the pedagogical practice of the English Language Teaching (ELT) program at the University of Amazonia, in order to highlight the importance and influence of pedagogical reflection to potentiate the teaching processes -learning of the practitioners.

Method: the type of research that was used was qualitative, was carried out through a systematic search allowed to discover twelve (12) studies published from 2009 to 2016, where a series of factors involved in the reflection process emerged; a) skills acquired through reflective practice, b) the strategies used to reflect, c) cultural aspects as predictors for the preparation of both practitioners and classes and d) the implications of the modern world in teaching.

Results: The results showed that reflective practice plays an important role when professionals in training begin to explore the educational field because it helps them to be involved in a constant learning process.

Conclusion: The research concluded that reflective practice leads practitioners to be critical, authentic, transformers and to be self-aware of the challenges that the educational field brings.


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Biografía del autor/a

Derly Muñoz, Universidad de la Amazonia, Florencia, Colombia

Florencia, Caqueta


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Cómo citar

Artunduaga, A., Muñoz, D., & Rojas, A. (2018). Impact of pedagogical reflection in the teaching practicum from Caquetá practitioners´perspective: a literature review. Educación Y Humanismo, 20(35), 57–73.

