Educación y Humanismo is an arbitrated double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all fields of Education and Humanities (Social Sciences). Its production is the result of research in these intellectual fields, from which it is aimed at continuously examining education and its processes, thus contributing to the transformation of the human being in a global context. The journal publishes citable articles of scientific and technological research, articles of revision, and conference papers in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, in accordance with the guidelines of the sixth edition of the American Psychological Association (APA). The journal is published twice a year (continuous publication) in January and July by the Simón Bolívar University. It has been available in the digital format since 2008 in the Open Access modality; between 1998 and 2007, it was only available in the printed format.

All published articles are subject to revision by expert peers under the double-blind methodology, guarantor of transparency and impartiality in the assessment of manuscripts, during which the following conditions are verified: unprecedented nature, scientific accuracy, pertinence, relevance, timeliness, and bibliographic specialization, among others. When an article is approved for publication, authors assign the proprietary rights of publication to the editor. The costs generated in the editorial management process are assumed by the publishing entity Simón Bolívar University.

Likewise, the editorial processes of Educación y Humanismo fall within the universal principles of ethics arising from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which are based on the open access of knowledge and popularization of relevant, original, and valid content for the national and international scientific communities; safeguarding transparent, inclusive, and equitable practices for the involved parties; and respecting intellectual property and copyright.



Educación y Humanismo is funded by Simón Bolívar University (Barranquilla-Cúcuta - Colombia).